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Everything posted by Hilbillyhomeboy

  1. I like your first two picks, same direction I was going. 70 GSX 455 87 GN or GSX 91-93 Dodge Stealth R/T turbo (not that I'm biased or anything) The 90's was a tough call for me. I love my modified to hell and back Stealth but I love my stock C5 just as much, if not more. The C5 is an all around better vehicle, by far. 1st love has always been the first gen Stealth R/T turbo though.
  2. I hope this is the right subforum for this type of post. My apologies if it is a repost. http://forums.clubrsx.com/showthread.php?t=425416
  3. Hey, it's personal preference. As an appraiser I make decisions with my own properties that go against the market but make me happy. Although, when it comes to BIG ticket items I tend to stay with what I know will reap the most benefit. Can you do most of the work yourself? Concrete/blacktop can get really pricey(when contracted out) and I'd hate to see you plop down a huge amount of cash in hopes of a good return on your investment. As I said before if you plan to be there for a while, go for it and get your use out of it if it makes you happy. If you know you're only going to be in this home for a few more years (5 or less) it's most likely a poor investment.
  4. Kim Jong Il is no joke. He is the definition of "radical fundamentalist". Yes, this scares the living hell out of me. However, it is quite amusing to hear all of the people laying into Bush and that he should have wiped out NK already. Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not btw), but hasn't Mr. Bush received heavy criticism for his "make-it-up-as-you-go" policy with Iraq? Then these same people turn around and lambast him for his multilateral approach to NK. You can't have it both ways fellas...who's "making-it-up-as-they-go" here again? :nod: This is serious business. As stated hereinbefore, China is pissed off something fierce. Bush is receiving solid support from the other Nations involved in the aforementioned "talk"(including the UN ::shock:: ) and China is urging NK to attend the meeting as well. We'll see....but I wouldn't hold my breath, Kim Jong Il is an outright lunatic.
  5. haha, I knew what you meant. Happens to the best of us.
  6. Agreed. I am an appraiser of over 10 years experience. I wouldn't give you much of anything for it, $1,000 maybe $2,000. There's simply no appeal as it's nothing more than a glorified patio with seasonal use. Honestly, the playground sounds as if it would contribute more than the basketball court. More buyers have children than NBA fantasies. If you plan to keep the home, go for it, if it makes you happy. If you plan to sell within the next few years I'd reccommend against it.
  7. OK, has to be a downhill race with the ignition off though, since my clutch is in transit from rps.
  8. Thank you. I've put a ton of money and time into it. Been at it for nearly 3 years now and it's finally "right"....thanks to IPS.
  9. Give me Gregs job? I'll race him for it...low c/r n/a Mustang against my Stealth, that's fair....right? Whadda ya say Greg? Heck I think I can take ya all motor. :nod: I could burn the building down. Seriously, whoever lands this job won't regret it. IPS would be an awesome place to work. I don't think Jeff can afford me. Maybe he can, I do a lot for free already. :grin2: j/k, I'm very happy to promote IPS all I can.
  10. That would be the one. Yes, several times. I believe I hold the dyno record there as well. Thanks to everyone else for the warm welcome....except Jeff.
  11. Thank you. Lots of good topics here, I'm enjoying the forum(s).
  12. Hello all, my first post at CR. Just joined today. I drive a slow Dodge Stealth, nothing special. *waves*
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