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Everything posted by Mopar

  1. this made me lol mutiple times
  2. we don't hate him.....we want to skeet on his fucking soul!! metaphorically (sp?) speaking
  3. best thing since the hemi!! quick as hell too
  4. dsm ftw getting rid of a bike ftl
  5. wow thats another 20whp from him just touching it, congrats your first mod was AJ
  6. i raise to $40.....going once....twice....SOLD!! i am winnar
  7. yes! real car is in the avatar. ur trickery with photoshop made your c4 into a c6
  8. don't worry, its not his anyway welcome
  9. triple again in whoevers thread this is!!
  10. no proofs here just like me saying i beat your gto heads up.......o wait i did!!
  11. :bs: me wantz teh proofs
  12. im a postwhore, not a humpwhore lets just be friends
  13. don't mind if i do....... humphumphumphumphumphumphumphumphumphumphumphumphumphump
  14. hahaha i think we all got owned, it shows a pic of my facebook default
  15. o rly..... still got it?
  16. i didnt know you were black! and pretty sexy.......no homo
  17. thank you captain obvious can you post pics of the title of the first vette you owned? i heard you bought the first one off the line back in 53, this true?
  18. triple in your thread assclown
  19. the thread is fine.....its YOU thats not liked, fucking noobs
  20. btw, you can't post anything in here without me threadjackn.....im a kitchen postwhore
  21. look at rip van winkle talking shit.....what, did you decide to take a break from your mid-life crisis and log on cr?
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