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Everything posted by Mopar

  1. Yea I was about to say, 80% of those mustangs are sbc powered.
  2. Title changed brb EDIT-Unofficial looking ftweaksauce
  3. LOL not sure if it works at trails like that. If so, thats ftMFw
  4. Mopar

    Game tonight

    Already paid for, stolen from work
  5. Mopar

    Game tonight

    Sweet, see ya'll there. I'll bring the goose
  6. Hahaha fapfapfapfapfapfap
  7. Mopar

    Game tonight

    What about me? Bet I know where this will be, A-Trails here I come! J/K
  8. Trails is hit or miss at best. There have been times I have had to lift at the 1/8th because the car was sliding around. The mopar races out there get smaller every year. The only good thing about it is, if your works there it will hook anywhere.
  9. I have been in my fair share of situations before, for me its about choosing the battles. Sometimes you just need to swallow your pride, and let it go. You'll feel like a pussy/bitch ( ), but you will be happy you did it the next day.
  10. Side bets mostly, at one point I was up 25, then mike and chris took it. Bishes
  11. I lost hella money. Party was great!
  12. Mopar

    Cr has

    Dat ass gotta be jam, cuz jelly don't shake like dat.
  13. Mopar


    How is that a spoiler? The movie was based on a historic event that happened 60 years ago. If I said the titanic sunk before you got a chance to see the movie, is that a spoiler? lol
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