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Everything posted by spoolin_s14

  1. wowzers thats fucking awesome is it bad that i laughed at the end?
  2. good for you man this thread delivers KENYANS
  3. love my sirius even got it for my dad in his semi Jason Ellis show on faction 28 in the afternoons is hilarious Howard is good to but to much bs discussion about regular radio for me
  4. yeah mines just slow all it wants to do is spin tires around cones and what not
  5. how much for the driver side window motor, switch, and amp?
  6. i thought that it looked like the ninja warrior
  7. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1757306 my fav beatbox
  8. stop it rick remember when you you tried to bust me out for posting pics of my wife on the toilet? think about it.. ahh blackmail
  9. i personally enjoy all of the fucktards commenting below
  10. not sure yet i might be trading the whole car for something new i'll know for sure this weekend
  11. spoolin_s14

    Beard much?

    my wife keeps referring to me as the unibomber because this is the 1st time i've ever went unshaved i've been working on mine for 4 weeks and its pretty full ps the itching goes away after awhile
  12. welcome to cr hey that used to be my car good luck with the speedo turbo mark i have a nice sr20 for you
  13. thats hilarious he looked a little freaked out
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