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Posts posted by NXfedRam

  1. so was up in Akron having some fun with the cleveland boys...I was racing a fox with a 347 and 76mm turbo. First race I murdered the guy. (My car was running incredible on spray). He wants to rerun, we take off and immediately didnt feel right. ...Definately heard serious knock from motor. Will know more tomorrow.


    they usually run awesome right before they let go...

  2. Although I love the new zr1, I would just rather buy a lightly used c6z for around 50k, put about 20k into it and beat the piss out of any zr1 out there. And still have 68k left in my pocket.


    You can beat the piss out of them with a cam intake and exhaust on a C6 Z

  3. May be a stupid question, but do you live in Obetz? I know your profile says Westerville, but I see a truck that looks exactly like yours every time im out in Obetz.


    nope... can't say I've ever been to obetz before. I had the wheels done in black a while ago so it is pretty easy to tell it apart from any other black sst on the road

  4. Why you always hating on his "broke ass girl". If you were broke you wouldnt be able to pull any trim. and when you race ANYTHING or ANYWHERE you better post vid. cuz as of right now your either a narc or jsut a little kid so its time to put up or shut up.





    oh and i dont need 1200hp to run 12's ive run 11's with 1/4 that


    your obviously misinformed...the poopra never went 12's;)

  5. http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k220/bad98sst/DSC00513.jpg










  6. I know many people have posted pics and that most of these are repetetive but decided to throw them up anyway.












  7. i dunno someone might of awnsered my phone or you called the wrong number, no one said anyhting to me so call me anytime I am in worthington





    I had the number as 7409 in my phone...interestingly enough it is also an Andrew lol...Ill give ya ca call around 3 or so tomorrow

  8. that rebuild plus this rebuild = cost of MMR shortblock


    after this one blows, the next one plus this one will also equal mmr block... if you keep going through these, why not just save up and do it right instead of keeping at the same thing?


    did you not read what he posted above?? both of the failures were for reasons unrealated to the motor itself. An MMR built shortblock will gernade if it is ran lean just as the motors he has built.

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