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Posts posted by NXfedRam

  1. This may seem odd but i always wanted to try this out. I have a fulltime job and am fairly content with it but if there are any snow plow crews looking for more help I would be interested so long as it doesnt interfere with my work schedule.


    Besides the extra monies wouldn't hurt but its not a necessity i suppose. PM me if you have any openings, thanks.



    most snow removal companies only contract people who already have a truck...so basically you need to buy a truck/plow setup or youll be shoveling driveways ;)

  2. You have failed the entrance exam. Read the stickies a top the forums, and try again. Tell us a little about said 8 sec car, and show pics.

    shut up

    welcome and this has got to be one of my favorite cars of all time!

  3. Jamie's car is sick...however I am just as big of a fan of that mustang. Not too many cars running around you can drive 55 miles to the track and knock off an 8 second pass on 17's radials and turn around to cruise home...let me rephrase that,there are no other cars that have done that.
  4. 95 3.8 = boat anchor.


    I dig the setup but I would not own one.

    explain how the 3.8 is a boat anchor? Sure it's underpowered but it was never meant to be powerful. They have very little problems and get decent gas mileage.

  5. That was you? NICE that thing was shittin and gittin. Buslinks NO. 3 cars yes. What's done to that thing? I seriously thought you were some slow little integra with a fart can i was going to rape on.


    I was like WTF wow. Did you see OBGYN in the supra? We took off to soon he wanted to play. But he did lose to me not 10 minuts later.


    Rematch next season?


    Yessss.... 3 cars sounds about right


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