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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. Some people research themselves to discover legitimate sources, such as: http://www.dogpile.com/dogpile/ws/results/Web/Ammunition%20Accountability%20Act/1/0/0/Relevance/iq=true/zoom=off/_iceUrlFlag=7?_IceUrl=true
  2. What about Americans who competitively shoot and make their own loads? These guys fire thousands of rounds yearly and this could make it more expensive for them.
  3. I was at your store yesterday...u wutin' there.
  4. LOL! That's a good one too. I guess it's too soon to see which one will win the new title.
  5. Happy to be the first...now waiting for the new roll, the WOW factor.
  6. That's one way to come out of the closet.
  7. We can set up one tripod behind the other, behind the other.
  8. I'll bring the ammo, beer and video camera...
  9. Not sure if it's odd but I enjoy a good anal massage from undigested corn.
  10. What hiccups did you have in the first 50 rounds?
  11. rch10007

    lets go!

    I can run over 4-bangers.
  12. You are wrong for this post. See the link I posted above... Plywood isn't the only sheathing used in home construction.
  13. Your ass always smells like Jr.'s whopper.
  14. http://www.hometips.com/articles/siding/exterior_sheathing.html
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