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Posts posted by rch10007

  1. perhaps you should look the word efficiency up in the dictionary...then learn how a turbocharger works...


    My apologies Patrick. I didn't realize you had the answer to a highly debated topic dating back to 1896.


    I'll go get the dictionary and look up the word yungdummuthafukr. Then, I'll go try to figure out which form of forced induction you're speaking of when you say turbocharger.

  2. Oh you broke your leg.. Here, have an anti-drepressant


    You're Leg still hurts.. ok, double the dosage of anti-depressants


    Still having leg pain and its green now... Have you been taking your anti-depressants???


    It fell off....we should try you on NSAIDs.

  3. The second they fix my problem is the second they stop getting paid... I hope they dont look at me as job security lol.


    Unfortunately, they have to play games with the insurance companies and the patients suffer.

  4. Its like have a knife sticking out of your back and the doctor saying its suppose to be there.


    McDonald's hardly ever gets my order right, so I don't expect much from doctors either.


    It's hard to find a doctor who can diagnose your problem. Most I know just treat symptoms and keep adjusting treatments as they go. I understand this is a necessary evil, but damn!

  5. I politely asked her which way she drove to work. She asked me why and I said so that I can pull up beside your little car in my envoy while having dizzy spells and accidently run you off of the road...


    I think I'd leave this part out for the next doc.

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