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Everything posted by mitcholi6792

  1. these guys are retarded but its probly one of the sweetest things i've seen! http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=21656855
  2. its a good looking car but i really have to go with the R34 u just can't beat it.
  3. hes got my vote he wont win but that would be crazy if he did.
  4. i got 12 but damn thats crazy well for a 600 dollar system it better be that great!
  5. mitcholi6792


    hes my friend and i told him about the site
  6. mitcholi6792


    o yeah it be the tackonator but we should mess with your car and give it that john deer leafblower turbo
  7. Now this is one tough truck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hzRLG8dA-E
  8. I like the X s but i love the IX s.
  9. wow thats intense. if a cops on your hood with a gun in your face its time to give up.
  10. sry didn't know i had just found out and wanted to share.
  11. thats funny but at the same time stupid.
  12. http://www.colinmcrae.com/ this is really sad cause the guy was awesome.
  13. that kicks ass i've always liked starions and conquests since i saw one.
  14. ok thx. that helps. im one the edge of baltimore and live near the intersectinon of 310 and 204.
  15. Ive been thinking about aking an old 350 that i have and turning it into a 383 stroker. but i don't know how much the machining might cost does anyone have an idea?
  16. mitcholi6792

    Forza 2

    the games really good in all points but one thing that dissapoints is that they got rid of the point to point in the old game.
  17. thats pretty sweet but i still dont like civics
  18. A vid me and my brother made one afternoon of my camaro and his RX-8.
  19. what my brother did on his rx8 was attach it to the sun visor with zip ties so that you can have it up and not see it but when u see a cop its easy to flip down. And from what i've heard its ok as long as its displayed in the front windshield.
  20. yeah thats only a little bit ridiculous.
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