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Everything posted by mitcholi6792

  1. first off as a fan of evos OUCH!! second its no longer an evo it just a big kickass gokart
  2. sry about it being old i just found it and thought it was hillarious and figured i'd share. even if u have seen it before its worth watchin again
  3. its soldiers like that that make everyone else look bad.
  4. since katrina used car dealers have been buying tons of cars that have water damage and bringing up north and reselling them theres some kind of trick with the titles and getting rid of it and such. im not real sure about it i know a guy who deals with independant dealers all the time and thats what he told me.
  5. the thing about doing a job your not happy with is that well your at your job an ass load of time and if your not happy with the work you do there then your gonna be unhappy a lot of the time.
  6. Yeah i cant wait for that movie the ending of the trailer is just bad ass
  7. well i want to just get it handling decent and some power. my front suspension is shot and i just want to replace everything and improve it. and thx
  8. i have a 67 camaro and i need to fix the front suspension and swap out for disc brakes. Will a s10 front end work? help appreciated
  9. I look up to that car and hope some day i can have an engine like that in my 67.
  10. as my brother said it is one of the best
  11. Wow thats bullshit. Id bitch slap her and make her clean the damn house.
  12. nice ride man im jealous Evos are probly my favorite car.
  13. you can trust enemys to be enemys but friends are both.
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