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Everything posted by mitcholi6792

  1. yeah but my bro did he got a pretty sweet rx8. and im still a big fan of evos
  2. its a 67 camaro with a 327 v8 and a quadrajet 4 barrel that i got off a 68 impala. when i bought it it only had a 2 barrel. it has a two speed power glide tranny. since the pics i've put a chin spoiler on the front. only has a few dings and dents here and there but on the passenger side someone keyed it but it happened before i bought it. I very happy with it!
  3. Yay big pics work!! http://a476.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/3/l_ab410775bc9e71587fa710dfd1a3e60b.jpg Before http://a842.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/51/l_234f1404016cbdfc2d765ac0ffe418f9.jpg After http://a805.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/27/l_53b961ae7ffdb2ee015428136b705394.jpg
  4. fixed the pics but i could only get small ones to work
  5. Hey my names Mitch i am 17 and i have a 67 camaro that i bought about a year ago and i've been a member of CR for a while now but i've never made my intro thread. Heres a couple pics of my car. hope to see some people up at the meets this summer. http://images1.snapfish.com/34%3A46737%3A%7Ffp375%3Evq%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D32353735%3C9975vq0mrj http://images1.snapfish.com/34%3A46737%3A%7Ffp375%3Evq%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D32353735%3C997%3Cvq0mrj the engine when i bought it http://images1.snapfish.com/34%3A46737%3A%7Ffp365%3Evq%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D32353735%3C9989vq0mrj and now after a 4 barrel, headers, and a shiny air cleaner http://images1.snapfish.com/34%3A46737%3A%7Ffp395%3Evq%3D3289%3E%3B3%3B%3E534%3EWSNRCG%3D3235%3A73946779vq0mrj
  6. such a sweet car gone to waste.....
  7. hey nice car u can have a lot of fun in it
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