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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. These are my concerns. I'm either looking at a 500 or 650, or a cruiser if I can't find one of those.
  2. Well I've seen all of these people out on their bikes and I'm super jealous now. Found some older Hondas for sale close to a grand, which is what I have sitting in cash. Thoughts on this? http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1052002112.html
  3. Absolute blow out. Nash putting up 3, Umberger with 2. Vermette is very fast and agile. Great back checker, and he had the best face off percentage at the end of the night. Good addition, can they pull it off Sunday too?
  4. How do these fair on the freeways? I'm relatively small at only 140lbs.
  5. Ohhh I'm excited to see Vermette play tomorrow. Hope I get off work early enough to catch the game.
  6. You live in my neighborhood. Good luck with the sale.
  7. He should help out a lot. Good guy to move the puck with husselius and let Nash sit up front and crowd the net up.
  8. It will say if you are verified or unverified. If you are unverified, there is normally a thing under your send money thing that says get verified.
  9. I'm still unverified and my payments go through immediately almost.
  10. I grabbed a nice DSM for 3k for my first ride. Had 115k, but no mods, no rust, but did burn a little oil. If you are looking at one that is close to 60k/120k on the odo try and drop the price at least 500 because the timing belt WILL NEED TO BE CHANGED! Good luck on the search.
  11. What size vehicle would be needed to move it, how much of a pain would it be to get out/into the house. My buddy just started getting into piano and I'll talk to him about this tonight.
  12. Sometimes I litter, sometimes I don't depends on if my ash-tray is full of change or not, but at night, I always put my cigarette out before tossing it out the window.
  13. Parting out would make the sale easier. Biggest problem with this is not most people want all those games.
  14. Really? You have a keen sense for the smell of it. I don't know that most people can smell it after a few hours, let alone days after.
  15. Mexican pot is over handled brick stuff. If it becomes legal, prices will drop and people won't mind spending the extra money on quality "Medicinal Grade" product.
  16. It's because it's not hard to acquire all of the equipment to grow it for your own personal use. Hard to tax it, but most people would not take the time and effort to grow quality stuff, so I don't see what they are worried about. It still opens up billions of dollars to be made.
  17. It will be interesting to see what happens with this.
  18. I love my ITouch. It's my internet source when I don't have a comp but have wi-fi. All the apps are pretty nice to have, but I wish they had a larger model. If you need the room for music, get the 120g, if you don't need all of that, get the Touch. I like how much easier the touch is to navigate through than the regular pods.
  19. End up getting it fixed or still having problems with it?
  20. I hope you find something to do. Otterbein partys are terrible! I've been to one good one.
  21. Fuses? Disconnect/ reconnect all wiring. Check the ground? Is your amp on protection mode? My amp just cut out last night, and all it took was disconnecting/ reconnecting all wires.
  22. The business at most Subways boosts quite a bit, at least the ones in my area. The one I work next to is busy most of the day, especially during lunch when this deal pops up. I don't know if they are losing money on the subs, which I doubt, so for some locations, it's a good promotion to run. Grinders is good too Penn Station>All
  23. No Kill Bill either? I love his work, I'm definitely going to be seeing this.
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