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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I don't NEED to have mine taken out. They actually all fit, but they are suggesting it as they build up with cavities. They drug you up really well. No smoking 3 days prior to getting them taken out if you smoke. Just take the vicodin you get and it will all be a breeze.
  2. I own more than one of them. Not only that but that is a custom one. This is not his first time at this. You don't take your first bong hit out of an 800 dollar tube and know what it is your doing.
  3. If you have a bunch of money start buying up houses and condos, hold onto them for a few years, then resell. BAM, you are rich.
  4. Almost all of Franklin county is already filled up. I looked to see if I could find a class a week or so sooner but guess not.
  5. I signed up for the earliest date in April at OSU Newark/ COTC. April can't come soon enough.
  6. Maybe, RooR (The Bong He is Holding) will sign him on for an endrosement.
  7. He brings in more money than it's worth to let him go from his endorsements.
  8. And his nose does not look the same. I had to look over that picture a few times, ears look small, nose looks different. But if he admits it he admits it. At least it can help to destroy the Above the Influence commercials, f you smoke pot you will amount to nothing message. How about 14 gold medals!
  9. That's fine. I saw that on another site, and did not think it was real myself. Then I saw the link under it. At least he uses nice glass. He is holding a $400+ tube in that picture.
  10. Don't date in high school. Have "Friends". Makes it a lot easier.
  11. NHL won't allow it. As far as they are concerned, there are not even enough goals being scored per game. They are talking on changing the goalies requirements for pads again.
  12. Only thing is I'm not even wishing I had snow tires now. It'll be a last minute decision most likely. I may indulge.
  13. So do you put your snow tires on in December or what? Don't they have such a soft compound that they wear extremely quick on the pavement? Or do you slap em on when it snows only? I don't have the money to buy snow tires, and get summer tires.
  14. I know that they need them, but that one is just ugly. I should have put rip off and replace.
  15. Mmmmm I like. Rip the wing off the back though.
  16. It's a terrible thing I can't afford a 2k round trip ticket at the time. That is the top list on my places to visit though, but probably won't happen anytime soon. Maybe if I become a no lifer and just work my ass off I can go next summer.
  17. You are going back to the dam again? Do you have any suitcases that humans fit in?
  18. Class better be canceled again at OSU for me to even want this to happen. I'm waiting for warm weather again.
  19. I spent 50 per tire for all season treads and I have not been close to getting stuck thus far. I've been out every day in this crap delivering pizzas. Dedicated winter tires IMO not worth it where we live. A little further north of Columbus and I would invest.
  20. I made it all last winter on summer sport tires w/o getting stuck or driving in the slow crowd in RWD. If it got to bad- The "Blizzard" I just did not go out. The only challenging part is starting from a dead stop. Once you get moving your momentum will carry you when you find a set speed w/o going all over the place. Most people don't understand this. All season tires work just fine. Dedicated snow tires are not worth it in this state. I almost got Blizzaks this year, but it would have been a waste. Me and my buddy were driving home from downtown last night and there was a stretch of freeway that was covered in snow. The first thing the guy one lane over did was slam on his brakes the second he hit the set of snow. Why in the hell would you do that? It's ridiculous how smart some of these business people are, but can't use common sense!
  21. Lots of cars stuck on 670 and 270 east going towards Easton.
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