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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I'm all down for legalization.


    One reason it wont happen: The taxes you are saying the government will get, won't happen. Marijuana is way to easy so grow yourself. Get some good lights, good seeds, good fertilizer (Find your own recipe of it) and good attention to them while giving them there vitamins, and you have some weed in your closet/ basement/ whatever.

  2. I'm afraid of next winter. Lost traction on the freeway and my side of the car (Driver) ripped one of the signs that has the food, gas station, and hotel things on it. I was in b/w both of the poles holding it up when I hit it. The sign fell on my car and all. I'm just waiting for winter time.
  3. Now that I think of it, if you are looking for a car that needs some work, I have found it. One of my friends has a camry w/ a blown tranny in it. Has some rust on the outside of the car, not on the frame. It is an automatic. If you think you may be interested, get back to me.
  4. I'm sorry but as well as the AUTO thing goes, what is the point? Stick shift is much safer if you teach your son how to properly drive it. You can use your engine to slow you down by down shifting instead of braking, which is much better in snowy conditions.


    Honda/ Toyota!


    5 spd corolla or camry.

  5. It is a TI-82 calculator. (Graphing)


    Just throw at 30 dollar price on it and say it is good.


    I'm selling because my AP Calc teacher decided that the one I had was not good enough for the class so I had to spend a shit ton on an 84 plus Silver Ed.


    LMK if you want.

  6. I'm a hockey fan to an extent. I play highschool for Pickerington. As far as watching it, I could care less.


    Anywho. Peca is not all that great of a player. He is getting old now and will not bring insane talent.


    Nash- Needs to learn to back check and stop cherry picking his nuts off.


    Zherdev, needs to learn to stop doing moves 24/7 and get a little give and go action, or just pass a bit more in general.


    Foote- Just a "G". Plenty of experience, coming from what was one of the best teams in the NHL, carry's the team very well.


    VBorny- Needs a good set of linemates, he has potential to be a very high scorer in the league.



    I must add it will probably just be another same old year for the blue jackets. They have no consistency from game to game.

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