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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I don't mean to profile, but you are 16, and probably emo.


    Make them get their haircut, don't let them evolve into the teenage dirt bags I have to go to school with everyday.


    EMO? FUCK NO! Definitely not, more or less listen to 60's and 70's music, that offends me, EMO! Emo kids are gay, they cry about life and cut themself and just act like little bitches wearing mommys pants.

  2. I have long ass hair too, passed my shoulders. Don't make them cut it. Hair is hair and if they like it let them keep it, as long as they wash it and stuff that is good, if they dont wash that shit and it gets all dry and stringy and knotty, then make them cut it.


    Main reason parents make kids get there hair cut is because they think they are pot heads with that hair, there 7 and 11, no need to worry about that.

  3. Yes, although KBB does not take into effect the turbo. There is a nice demand for turbos and KBB does not view the turbo as popular as they are, but yes, I do suggest dropping the price some they are right to some extent. But DSM's are nice, I love mine, especially if it is in the condition he says it is. Stock is somewhat better because it has not been run to the pisses but still.


    Free up up up

    Good Luck Selling

  4. This is what he is looking for:

    1g DSM Turbo

    2g DSM Turbo/ NT

    He is not looking for anything that is modded much. Anyone have anything no higher than 4g let me know please. Thank you.


    Also, he will look at 90's GT Celicas, if you have a VW shoot that up as well. Open to all options now, TURBO- PLUS PLUS PLUS.

  5. Well main reason for asking is because I just got my license, got clocked at 85 almost but I cut over 4 lanes and took an exit, he did not pull after but I bet there was a cop down the road on 270. i dont want to get my license suspended and have to pay more insurance than I have to.
  6. I just want to annoy black people basically is whats up with the 12's, I was thinking of 10's at first. Alpine Deck= 350. Looking for 300-350 as far as speakers go. Someone suggest brands/subs. I'm not decided on subs/amp because it is the last of all of this.
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