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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I'm going to be working this Sunday and I'm waiting on a new bolt for my gun to show next week, next weekend I'm in for Fran Bar or Warzone if everyone is interested.
  2. I love it. I have mine in an IWB holster made by Survival Tactics. I haven't had a jam, failure to feed or any misfires from it after about 600 rounds so I just got it broken in. I did have some of the peg grip things on the back sanded down because they started to tear at my webbing on my thumb after about 100rds at the range. They have a CM9 as well which is even smaller.
  3. This place looks pretty awesome. Bump for next week.
  4. If anyone has suggestions for places to play please spit them out.
  5. It seems like there are a decent amount of people that play paintball on here. Anyone looking to get a game together before it gets too cold out? I'm normally free on Sundays. We could plan for 11/6, it should still be in the 50's I hope. I don't care if it's speedball or woodsball, but if the Haunted Hoochie is over by then we could go to Fran Bar and play a good mix of both. Anyone interested? I should be able to have at least 5 people at a minimum with me.
  6. Thanks. I've been looking around and I can't seem to find much of a deal on these anywhere.
  7. From the last bit of the game I got to see after work, the CBJ looked good. They were fighting for pucks and trying to win all of the one on one battles. They were making Detroit react to what they were doing and seemed to have a good amount of control of the game. Let's hope this keeps up.
  8. Go play stick and puck first. I need to get a new blade put in and grab my gear from my brother. I'm in to play if you get some people rounded up.
  9. Can you get any permits to get through these or is it plain and simple you can't have any of these? If you want to have these types of animals and have the space and ability to care for them, I say go for it.
  10. Do you think this would be the case if everyone was effected by the situation at the same time? All of the most recent disasters have left other people available to go out and help, what about when we all have to worry about the same thing?
  11. Through my years of playing competitive hockey I've seen how other players are only good with other good players. When their support is gone and they have to be the person that makes things happen their game drops because they just can't do it. Nash is a great player, he put up huge numbers in the Olympics for Canada when he had players that could open up plays for him and get him the puck, he's just not a facilitator. Yes, we are missing two solid defensive players, but we've had a solid defense in past years and CBJ offense just plain does not produce the way they need to. They don't sustain any real pressure in the offensive zone. You don't see the CBJ offense outworking a team to exhaustion in the offensive zone. It's literally dump and chase 2-1-2 hockey to start the game, a goal gets scored on either end and they play 1-2-2 hockey to play it safe. I wanted to see the CBJ pick up Bryzgalov (sp?) and give Mason a reason to earn/ hold his spot. They need some time to grow as a team, we've made a decent amount of changes this year, but this start has all of their heads hanging low, and Nash isn't going to do anything in the locker room to pull their heads up. CBJ will be out of playoff contention before December. I still enjoy having a hockey team in Columbus regardless of how good or bad they are. Just my thoughts on the team.
  12. I think the little girl is still alive. I also think Meryl (sp?) is still alive. They left a map on the car back at the camp site and I think Meryl got to it rather than the father and his son. Shane will get out of the school, they've shown a few things on the commercials that kind of spoil that one.
  13. The last episode was one of the least entertaining ones so far as zombie killing goes.
  14. This. Most things you would purchase for a survival pack holds it's value very well in our day to day lives, it'll be worth more if an event like this were to occur. Better to get it while it's cheap.
  15. We need a new spark for this team. Nash leaving and being replaced is the move we need to make IMO. We have focused building a team around Rick Nash. Nash is a good player but he doesn't get his teammates involved or make them any better, which is what you want out of your star player. We've tried it and it doesn't work. As big as he is, he needs to put his body into someone in the offensive zone every shift.
  16. I don't put money in the bank. I use my credit cards and deposit what I need to to pay it off and keep the rest. Physical paper money goes in a safe. I'm in the process of building a BOB and SHTF rifle, both should be completed by the new year assuming all the rifle parts are accessible and not back ordered. CCW stays with me, so no matter what the scenario I am armed. Hunker down where I am until the crazies tear the city up and then move on from there. As far as people coming together, I'd rather stay the hell away from most people. Most people will be in a panic and won't do much other than cause problems.
  17. Got them mixed up. Sorry. The Ruger definitely does feel good in your hand though. I can't speak for the LCP as I've never held it, but I did hold the LC9 and I really liked the feel when gripping it.
  18. Does anyone have any of the 7 or 8 rd mags for a Kahr CW9 they're looking to sell?
  19. If you have non smartphone unlimited data, which is what it sounds like you have you will be paying for 2gb worth of data. Everything else will stay the same.
  20. Title says it. Looking for my girlfriend for her first smartphone. I would prefer a 4g phone. Evo Nexus Let me know what you have. Must be in good working order and nothing more than normal wear and tear. Not really looking to go over 200.
  21. I got a Kahr CW9. Take a loot at the Kahr CM9. It's smaller than the CW, more the size of the Ruger but it doesn't have a safety.
  22. There is a safety on the Ruger. That's something you'll want to think about for your CCW.
  23. Close this up. Picking up a set up tomorrow. Thanks.
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