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Everything posted by coupe_no

  1. coupe_no

    Cat sh!t

    i feed my cat bacon and such, no problems here
  2. its SOLD! (so look out?) lock this garbage
  3. catholics created islam...
  4. nope just demand you want it i got it attitude - foo
  5. my best motivation: i think about if it was my wife whos throat was slit in Braveheart...
  6. oh yeah? who narc'd you out?
  7. it could probably break windows
  8. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahaha haha ha no somebody needs a real education
  9. it still maintains its function as a storehouse for good bacteria haha, the fact that you dont know what youre talking about doesnt mean i dont, and there is no inside track, its called common sense of which you lack can you prove that oxygen is in the atmosphere? no you personally cant, so you shouldnt breathe it. i dont have to prove anything, my faith is what justifies me to be worthy of the kingdom of heaven PS: problem is you dont use credible outside sources to prove evolution, its never been proven remember?
  10. did YOU read the article? it says the appendix is not vestigial, you = wrong
  11. cool how does it do that? you cant say its a vestigial organ, then change your mind, and say it makes sense now... thats called retarded and as i stated before, the magnetic field and speed of rotation are slowing down, which means they used to be faster/stronger and could not supply life before 10k years ago so evolution could not have occured and i want proof that evolution helps with modern medicines or whatever, you have to prove it if youre going to use it prove youre right, understand?
  12. yeah im still recovering from whatever knocked me out. i couldnt move, think, i felt like dying, and now im coughing up yummy goodness from who knows where...
  13. the average age of our soldiers in middle east is 23. i knew you were wrong
  14. throws a puppy off a cliff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_Fc6TYev4I real or fake i dont know buy even if the puppy was already dead, why would the soldiers be sick enough to do something like that where are all of you animal freaks that were all over me for hitting my dog?
  15. this is fresh science chief http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/10/05/appendix.purpose.ap/index.html
  16. you dont get it, im all for science, thats why i hate evolution so much WOW wiki is using the peppered moths as an example of change in genes or whatever! how unscientific, seriously you have no idea what youre talking about do you? here from discovery institute's discovery.com - you see he got a bunch of those dead moths, painted some of them black, and taped them to tree trunks and scientists loved it ok this is funny, it talks about barriers that prevent fertilization and how these barriers prevent mating between species and they use the example of fireflys and their different light signals, then right away they show a mule and explain how it cant reproduce, well then tell me why the horse and donkey havent evolved a barrier between them to keep this infertile mule from being born, because infertility doesnt help evolution, it ends it. wow now they are using the "vestigal leg bones" of the whale to try and prove something, thats been proven to not be true! those are actually pelvic bones that muscles anchor to and those muscles are needed to reproduce. and even if the whale was losing legs, wouldnt that be losing something and not gainging? again i challenge you to show me proof of evolution. if you would have been alive when scientists shouted that the sun revolved around the earth you would have believed them. ps. im not pro ID, ID is dumb, there is no ID
  17. ha thats not what i meant. i have no problem with the book being in the library, in there its the students deciscion wether to read it or not
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