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Everything posted by coupe_no

  1. im selling my turbo stuff thats for a ka24de first off NEW fmic and USED blitz piping-380 USED revhard manifold t/3-250 USED garrett air research t3 very little shaft play-250 and s13 seats make offer minimal wear. http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.245ebb6bda.jpg http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.ddf6e31c5b.jpg let me kno i need to sell this stuff asap
  2. http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n312/coupe_boi/Legendinterior.jpg http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n312/coupe_boi/legendside2.jpg car does not come with the rims only factory ones. 1988 Acura Legend 149K -2700 V6 under the hood. CLEAN and PURRS! still has GREAT compression! -FULL leather interior, seats, dash, door panels, head liner. -Manual trans with Synchromesh added, shifts like butter! -CV shafts have been replaced. -Body is clean all the way around but has the usuall Honda cancer spots starting to bubble. -Full power everthing including moon roof with NO leaks. -Python car alarm with trunk pop. -Sony flip down face. -5% tint on the back windows. -Carbon fiber Acura badges front and back -New starter -New wires -New Distributor -New coil -New ignitor module -New master relay -New fuel pump -New stainless straight-through muffler with deep rummble with that V6 -New o2 sensors -New coolant temp sensor asking 2000 obo or trade --alex-- Only downs: -Both front windows need new, or cleaned, rubber trim around the door cause they are slow but motor runs on both.
  3. haha i just got done reading the thread where you messed with the miata and i was thinking about how cool that was and you did it to me!!! (even though its :gay2: )
  4. how the?... how do you know this bub? do you know me? have you talked to me? the truth is i know more about your dog than you do, honestly, are you just trying to make yourself look smart or something? friggin kids these days tell you what
  5. hes blackening my name on another site so hes just getting his own medicine back. if people would just mind their own business...
  6. lol this means 2 things according to him. 1. i will beat you 2. youre sponsored by moms&pops
  7. guess what? im not putting in new rings cause i only got 85kmi. i have a kid in my AT class that is EMO like you!!! you want me to get his number? Posted by this queer on Xanga: This is just lame. I feel so unwanted as of lately. It seems like I have to beg my friends or convince them to hang out with me. If they are doing something they don't invite me or even try to make the gesture. Girls are even worse. I made plans with 3 different girls tonight, all of them bailed on me. One girl I made plans with like weeks ago and she decided she was going to drink and acted like she was doing me a favor not letting me hang out with her. So I go to sleep at 11:20 on a Friday night. Nothing to do but lay and my bed and pity myself, listening to Mos Def. I hate my life, I'm so unwanted. Other people will never even return my phone calls. I call random people all the time, they always say, oh I"ll call you back later. When is later, a month later? Fuck this shit, I wish I could just disappear. lets dress up like gangsters and take pictures of ourselves dood!!!
  8. just post a pic of it so i can locate you on the road no boring, i will hone it though, who cares what grit, pretty fine though cause i will be getting new rings prolly. ok im not worried about the rest i guess, ill be doing the assembling if i even take the block apart
  9. i aint worried about it, if it beats you then thats fine.
  10. i did that for another reason than to appear older. thanks for the help, i was gonna turbo my motor without even knowing what an intercooler was but thanks for making me change my mind. this is EVER so entertaining...
  11. this goes for both of you, now read carefully, this is a hard thing to do. first we click on my name. (its a link to my profile youll see!) then we see this...How did you hear about Columbus Racing?: ohionissans Why do you want to join Columbus Racing?: buy stuff!!! does this anwser TEH questions?
  12. dude i used to dream about being in the armed forces. it was the coolest thing. it still is interesting to learn about today. but now im a consiecious objector to killing people. if i wasnt a christian id be registered by now and on my way to boot camp.
  13. you know that would kill you but i dont like working on V style engines dont have a TV so thats a no too. neither. i have a little part time job. all it takes is a 240sx, and the turbo system. i have 2 turbos, 2 bovs, and just need a little more and the car and i will be done. it only takes maybe 2 days to do. i just need more parts and the car. and to everyone calling me a "kid", i hope it makes you feel like a man. then lets make friends
  14. here we go again. #1. i really didnt see the movie. i understand its on your level. #2. just got my registration letter today, see you in canada. #3. somebody gave me the link from a nissan site. #4. what i meant was im not a stReet RaceR. #5. what kind of friends would i make over the internet? #6. maybe* "its the internet" whoa, dangerous, scary, try Vietnam. A nice car? in columbus? i dont think a wankel/rotory constitutes as a motor. do you guy nascar around 270? if we had an IQ test to register for this site, you would fail as you cant spell HEAR, cant read: "bring it into Columbus tonight..." I JUST SOLD MY 4TH CAR AND AM TRYING TO BUY ANOTHER ONE, as you would have noticed had you read previous posts, *and you the most intelligent thing i posted - had bad grammar. IQ failure. did you lose your mojoe? maybe i did that on purpose? i cant remember. to all who want to race me, ill be around in spring :woowoo: get your titles signed...
  15. spelled humans wrong... middle all way to right
  16. Jeff Taylor Nissan Wannabe Location: Blacksburg, VA Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:22 pm Post subject: 528wHP / 420 wTQ on STOCK internals (the dyno vid) http://filebox.vt.edu/users/jetaylor/Jeff_KAT_Record.wmv if im lucky to get anywhere near that, then racing v8s will be a waste of gas. ok seen your vid and not impressed. you using spray?
  17. #1. i havent seen 3f3f and i dont plan on watching it #2. ill be an adult january 14 and my dad doesnt let me drive his cars because ive had 2 licsense suspensions #3. i didnt happen upon this site and i dont live in columbus #4. im not a racer #5. i dont need new friends #6. im in my second year of auto tech and still learning many a thing what are YOU doing here? vid doesnt save/work for me, but thats a waste of gas anyway
  18. boohoo you sound like a hard :asshole:
  19. yeah if you beef up the internals
  20. because its BETTER. sr20s are wimpy. ka24s have just that, .4 litre more. and you can just keep the motor in the car and not have to swap anything. they become monsters :burn:
  21. i dont like any of them because A. i want a coupe B. they all have sr20s and im going kat
  22. ok i read it and i am now stupider after reading it, i got lost clicking all the links that lead right to where i already was, what was i supposed to learn from that all it was was NEWB!!! NUBE NEWBY EMO NOOB im driving my brothers roadmaster (lt1 350) while looking for an s13 coupe
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