Nope, actually I still have the JANSZEN plates but a while ago my dad went to home depot and saw a silver celica just like mine with JANSEN plates on it... i used to have a silver celica at that time just recently sold it and got the mr2 now i hear that some one talked to someone at autozone about a janszen with a red mr2 but mine is white.. i donno if someone is straight up copying my cars/plates i dono. and what martin said above was like this " we got pulled over in Worthington because the cop ran my plates and when he pulled me over he said someone with these plates has committed a felony and obviouly like martin said im not black and like 50 years old so they let me go... would a cop mix the plates JANSZEN and JANSEN up easyly or not becuase i got pulled over a year or so ago and they asked if i knew someone and said they had the plates and had a felony on them... i really dono but what ever, im just going to go to the bmv sometime and see whats going on with it..