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Everything posted by TitusS2k

  1. My Cellphone is on its last leg. I have a back up Razr but it doesnt have a battery or battery cover. The phone is black in color. Who has what!?
  2. I had a fun night, Turnout wasnt bad for having it one forum... Possible Friday night meeting place or wha?
  3. Lee used to work at Mobile Electronics before he bought AE. If thats what your refering to?
  4. Now that we finally experienced a warm day, whats the word on a possilbe meeting place?. I know last year there were a few on any given Friday/Saturday. Those placed were then ruined by all of the ricers/ hill jacks and made it no fun and always atracked the police. IE=Thirft Store. Then people began to meet at IPS after bike nite then it moved to a friday/saturday event. But then it was ruined again by all of the ricers or who ever. I know anywhere we meet this year the usual people will be there but would are we looking at as far as a meeting place? Im sure people have been talking about this particular subject all winter. But get some ideas to together and post up. My car is going to the body shop next week to get fixed but when april rolls around everyone will be looking for something to do. Sooo what does everyone think?? Thanks Titus
  5. O i understand that and i was forewarned not only by you but others as well. But for lee cohen to send me a notice that i owe him 342$ is pathetic. But Very well put
  6. Damn sounds like every customers car project from them. At one point they had a few good techs but the funds werent there. Wyan Works at Slowmotion Motorsports now!
  7. Yeah She has some very nice fake plup tatties
  8. I got it all figured out today. I called the collections agency. They said that that letter that was sent out to lee cohen first off. It was never sent to me and they never had any records of my adress even in their system. It was for a pay check that i was paid and i cashed at kroger. It bouced and they were going after lee for the money but somehow the letter was forwarded to my house, and they thought that i had some type of owner ship in that shit hole. So im thinking lee forged that letter and sent it to me to have me pay one of his bills that he cannot afford. Its cool im in no trouble and it wont hurt my credit score in any way. I even had the collections agency send me an email assuring me that it wouldnt hurt me in any way for later use. So fuck Auto Exotica, Lee Cohen and whoever still wants to do business with them. He is a piece of shit, and his business will be going down the crapper very soon. Their shop has been closed down twice now... He needs to relize its time to pack up shop and get out while he still can- He wont and he will continue to loose more and more money. Dumb ass.... Im glad i got it resolved... Bash on!
  9. Here is the collections Website, Check Services out... http://www.meadeandassociates.com/thedifference.htm
  10. Today when i got home from work, after not really being home a whole lot this weekend. I have mail for me from friday. It was a normal envolope, But said confidental. Im like hmm must be important! So i open it, and there is one piece of paper. If from Passen Aka Auto Exotica Aka Extreme Motorsports. I used to work there over 2 years back. Its a collection letter. I had a bill that i paid before i left and the owner LEE COHEN didnt pay me my last paycheck, so he fucked me. He did it to everyone when they decided to quit, which was fucked but hes a penny pinching piece of shit that think his worthless "used to be speed shop" still has a chance and allways made up some bullshit excuse to why i couldnt get paid my last paycheck. So i left passen and began to work at Best buy. After working there for a few months i kept on getting phone calls from someone who wouldnt tell the person trying to take the message their name nor why they were calling me at my job site. Well randomly one day he called and told me i owe him 90$ for things that were unpaid when i paid everything striaght up when i quit and he kept my last pay check. I told him to fuck off and to never try to contact me at work ever again. The reason i quit was because my pay checks began to bouce and the over draft charges were killing me and it was completely obvious that the company was going under. And he would pay but he would take forever to get me the money. The company was so bad that you would pay him for parts that you thought you were going to get, and he would put it towards someone elses bill and it was a visious cycle. Kept happening over and over and made me look like a piece of shit that he was and overall fucked me over with alot of good friends that were customers. But luckily i got out while i still could. Now I have another bill saying i owe him $342.09, And im really confused now because im very un clear is to why i owe him this money. At the bottom of the letter theres a "Pay Bill Now" where you can out your credit card information in. Why in the fuck would i pay a bill that i dont know what i should be paying for... Fuckin pathetic! So what does everone think And what would YOU do?? :woowoo:
  11. Nice roadster- Do 15x8 Sportmax's!!! Cars clean BTW
  12. Well same here. Got stuck in the storm as well. I was over at HLFVIPRS for a little bit and i walk out to drive him and there is a little powdery snow on the ground. Dont think anything of it, so i exit the nabor hood and onto morse road from cherry bottom. Slide for about 50ft allmost into the intersection of cherry bottom and morse. Cars completly side ways all the way down morse untill i get onto the freeway. I have my hazards on cause i drive like a grandpa on some drugs. So i get down 270. I whitnessed two accidents first hand, and saw about 10 allready getting cleaned up. So im thinking i can get onto 71N but the cops have it on lock down, so i have to go to 161 and get onto shrock. Well i slide through a few lights and finally get onto cleveland avenue. And an hour and a half later im home... Sucked, and it was the worth weather i have ever driven in. Looks like the S will have to be garage kept for a day or two untill this shit melts... O well- Looks like i bought the worst DD... But i cant wait for summer!!
  13. Thats great... Id like to see a fully built go ped engine mounted on the back side of that bad boy....
  14. TitusS2k


    I have a stock S2000, wanna race from a 70 roll/40 roll Its just an expensive looking miata
  15. TitusS2k


    Welcome, Lets see that ITR
  16. Damnit i was hoping to see one of the homeless guys knock the food out of the servers hand and mug him.... Still funny tho
  17. Yeah i posted that on slowmo, i cant stop watching it. Its soo funny... "After im done with it, i hope to hit 300" "300 horse power" "na... 300 miles per hour" And hes serious!!!
  18. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/318bd590-5e58-4ab8-8434-9828009c7498.htm
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