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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. Go get a beer. It would be money better spent lol. Stay away from pot stocks. They were a good short around the time of the last thread, but that heat has dwindled. I have been eyeing Volvo...slowly climbing, but not sure on a future. Wish I had had the coin to get Tesla back when the other thread was around. Be a happy man about now lol
  2. Try and get the card that will give you the largest limit. For example, I noticed (in my case) AMEX was stingy....maybe a few grand. Citi seems to hand it out like water. Also get a card that will pay you!. For example discover will give you 5% back at gas stations April-June, then it changes to restaurants, and so on. Or maybe if you want to bank miles look into those, ect.
  3. For the A2W and adjacent cooling hose support, might look (and work) nice using 2 "rubber lined clamps". I think you could get them in varying diameters, then bolt them together in the middle...could even angle them as needed. https://www.grainger.com/product/54EG46?gclid=CjwKCAiA3uDwBRBFEiwA1VsajK7pZPDhfjxKTSY93Z6mCJifqvbedo3uEeHiSjqrjl70s_4_dX-1TRoCDgcQAvD_BwE&cm_mmc=PPC:+Google+PLA&ef_id=CjwKCAiA3uDwBRBFEiwA1VsajK7pZPDhfjxKTSY93Z6mCJifqvbedo3uEeHiSjqrjl70s_4_dX-1TRoCDgcQAvD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!2966!3!50916758277!!!g!82128327597!?cm_mmc=PPC:+Google+PLA?campaignid=175663197
  4. I wonder if that happens to be an often used tactic? Seems like it could be?
  5. Yep, its your age of credit & utilization of that credit. You should never close accounts. Just last week Discover said they were closing one of my oldest (but unused) cards. That would also be maybe 10 percent of my available credit. A simple phone call usually keeps it open and available. Since I have a good many accounts - some of which have been open 7-8 years, I have a longish credit age, and just over 100K worth of limits I dont use...so if I have 2-3K on one card I'm only using 2% or so of my available credit. Plus per the reporting bodies....I have made hundreds of "on-time" payments, as they are just zero, but accounted for. This helps scores soar. I also often go for credit limit raises whenever I can on these accounts. Based on what you've done here you sound responsible enough...sometime there is no reason not to use a credit card daily. The cash back, miles, or whatever 'reward' you are after is much better than an old checking account debit card. Might as well get 2% of whatever you spend back or something.
  6. Definitely let your insurance know. Afterall if the other party starts getting flakey you pay your insurance....let them fight on your behalf. x2 on OEM probably being tons more. x3 no idea...I assume it would be a couple grand if the car is worth around 20 or so.
  7. I think the sweet spot it usually around a grand. Just over 3 years ago I picked up some ACER "gaming-type" laptop and it has been my primary work machine since then. I do CADD on it 8-10 hours a day and it has really been good even with 3D stuff. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-VN7-592G-71ZL-15-6-inch-Notebook-Windows/dp/B015XBKY6U Not sure how it would compare to whats out there now?
  8. If you want a good read on it, this guy went way in depth! https://www.tacomaworld.com/threads/why-leds-should-not-be-run-in-halogen-reflectors.454371/ And you are looking at H11's? Dude made a thread testing those too: (granted its a Tacoma not a Fusion) https://www.tacomaworld.com/threads/3rd-gen-hid-vs-led-vs-halogen-h11-projector-headlights.589465/
  9. Probably just take your pick. Get the highest rated junk you see on Amazon. A buddy of mine asked the same thing the other day, saying they have ones with adjustable shrouds or maybe rotatable bulbs at least....as if that will 'make it right' In the end he settled on...who cares as long as my wife can see. Sadly thats the answer...you will be able to see the ditches and tree tops better, thus giving the impression you have made an improvement, but everyone else will simply be throwing negative Karma your way hoping you put that thing in a ditch asap.
  10. Its a great shirt 10/10 very soft, highly recommend.
  11. Yeah I bet you $100 Urban will not go to the Browns. But if he does, I will not pay you, and sporadically log in every now and then and check this thread.
  12. That makes sense! Thank you for spelling that out!
  13. This whole thing just makes me bit angry. Can someone legitimately tell me if a crime was committed? I dont follow this stuff like a hawk, but it seems like ultimately all general speculation no? Maybe a little "you shouldnt have done that", or "thats not really right"....but a crime? Is that not what the grounds for Impeachment were? I also voted for the man, and I am still pleased with that decision. Now and again I find myself a bit disappointed by his general manner, but I never fully regret my decision. If there was a dem candidate for 20 that actually made me comfortable id likely have no problem giving them a shot, but this whole situation kind of fires me up to back Trump more.
  14. I won! Thanks a ton! Was a nice bday present yesterday
  15. Ive been using one of these for just over a year. I love it. Super cheap too. https://www.nomatic.com/products/wallet?variant=29792289751112&currency=USD&gclid=CjwKCAiAis3vBRBdEiwAHXB29EO6zkgmtORFRQf1zOtoFd2EYR9o5Lv0YRIuTNqBjX4EZwCObxQstxoCLH8QAvD_BwE
  16. Ok, they are off and ready for a new home.
  17. Now that ET Paul is gone, Wheel Medic is probably a good call. Most places should be ok as they are going to buy you a new set of rims if they fuck them up....but I get not even wanting to cross that bridge. Another - Maybe Auto Assets? They seem to touch a lot of high dollar stuff. Lucore?
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