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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. he will have to take responsibility, but if he fights enough (if he wants to), theres a good chance the court might take his side a little more... i.e. more custody, ect. The court may recognize his (i assume) good behavior vs. her current situation, which sounds not-so-good for new children My buddy was trying to build an arsenal of things to use when he had a slight falling out w his babysmomma. Everything ended very civil and there was no need however.
  2. haha. we should track them down and tell them it is real...
  3. i heard that once on the internet. true stuff
  4. gotcha. id make one, and probably will put it in my personal calendar if nobody does make one, but i wouldnt be 'in tune' enough to be able to do updates as needed...need someone more involved to share one lol
  5. You should make a google calendar for it that we can subscribe too, that way we can automatically have it all sent to our calendars. Its a huge help.... I use the one for the Mini cooper breakfasts / dinners a lot.
  6. Definately he could have went and got himself a metal building, super insulated, with a bunch of new shit inside, in 1/10 the time im sure.... Nothing beats bringing new life into a dump. Definately the kind of work I like the most
  7. this. is what scares me. My fiance has the mentality that snow is nothing... and while i am cautious as shit out there, I hope she never has to find out how dangerous (mainly people in much bigger cars) can be.
  8. meh. 29 mph from Broad to 23N on 270 lol. Dont know how many of those fucking snow-chunks that fall off cars' wheel wells i sliced through with the front lip... FUUUUUUUUCK SNOW
  9. i should get a shovel....
  10. Almost switched to them, but they wanted a bunch of cash for new phones and activation.... Then the plan price woulda been 30 higher per month for the first year for some reason... Stuck with VZW, which has been good.
  11. ^^^ this is smart... you know how parents these days have pictures and old VHS tapes... theyre obsolete... but YouTube will nevaaar dieee
  12. repost from 2009 lol but i never get tired of garages. nothing better than architecture + cars
  13. uggh my head. happy new year
  14. But this Coke im enjoying at the moment is soooooo good....
  15. its not one of the 2 Mythbusters... he was sorta the 'guest' rocket guy they used i guess
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