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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. probably about as good as it gets http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/forum/tehghey.jpg your welcome
  2. i didnt even watch it and im thoroughly grossed out
  3. this^^.... ive got both Direct Loans(govmt) and Sallie mae... Now that i'm out the interest isnt toooo terrible, but of course i wish it were better. Having to repay obviously SUCKS the big one. Right now I havent consolodated, because I havent seen a better rate for doing so. (havent looked too hard either). Overall Id advise just trying to do federal only if they can cover all you need. AND FWIW, online books are the shit. You can basically google-search the damn things...I never had them but my GF has some.
  4. that 87 is gorgeous. welcome aboard
  5. i repped him for you lol. why not
  6. doesnt look bad at all. not a fan of the stripes but i dig the chrome on white. welcome. Makes your club and shop actually look better, represented by someone that actually gives a shit
  7. My buddy has 3 17" (?) alloys w tires off a 98 F150 STX decently cheap... They're 12mm so it's iffy if theyll fit. I know theyre hubcentric so you could probably drill them out. Hes got Lighning wheels on it now and they fit, though those could be off a 99...Im sure you could get his spare too if you wish since its not on the truck, but he said he'd like to get that back.
  8. would he let you 'test drive' it? maybe try it for 2 weeks and see how it goes... see how much you actually do spend with the fam and see how the extra few bucks feels in the bank. but if theres more bad than good.... its usually worse, and thus a no. im not a family guy though...just my .02
  9. thatd be tits if they were to stuff it in one of those ugly ass golfs or whatever...RWD conv obviously
  10. GF: Friday random people at work: fuck off homo so i'm 1 for 4 lol
  11. while he IS entertaining, its pretty damn rude to go slandering CR on other sites
  12. very nice indeed. not the biggest fan of yellow, but hey
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