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Everything posted by sloth69mustang

  1. are you going to be able to keep up? lol
  2. i can back him up. he lives up the street from me and yes that is all true lol.
  3. ok 86 caddy. small dent in door with little rust spot (there is a pic). interior is sooooooooo clean it isnt funny. the car was really really dirty when we took pics. it will clean up nice. same with the inside. i will clean it tho before handing over. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c289/sloth69mustang/renspics001.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c289/sloth69mustang/renspics002.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c289/sloth69mustang/renspics003.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c289/sloth69mustang/renspics004.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c289/sloth69mustang/renspics005.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c289/sloth69mustang/renspics006.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c289/sloth69mustang/renspics007.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c289/sloth69mustang/renspics008.jpg
  4. oh we know how to set it. we were just disagreeing with each others ways of doing it. it will prolly get done on tue.
  5. unless you want to trade my old card and cash for it lol
  6. was that a 4.0l ranger? with an 8.8 rear end?
  7. sounds like she is calling you out andy
  8. that is funny bc i have alex triple wall rims with some redline hubs and i am sick of the heavy ass rims. i am looking for some nice double walls that are half the weight of the triple walls
  9. yeah i assume that is the torpedo heater. if it is like 150,000 btu and higher i may be interested
  10. can i buy just the rims lol. no i prolly should spend anymore money on my bike
  11. what size is the hubs? well the axel...
  12. i mean you could prolly get more out of it than 225 but the frame is kind of holding it back. the rest of the parts are nice. idk i would be surprised if nobody buys it for 225. i def dont need another bike. i have enough money in mine lol
  13. i agree that some of the parts are nice, the crank is nice, the dk shit is nice. but nobody rides a fatboy frame anymore. they are too heavy. people are all about weight now. if you guys go out and ride i would so go even tho it has been months and months and i suck. but i am always down for a good ride.
  14. i ride here and there but send pics and i will try to help with price.
  15. he is at my house like everyday now. and if he fucks up i know where he lives and we can kill him together lol
  16. ati radeon 9800 pro 256mb agp slot. works like a champ. 75 bucks if nobody buys it, i have a enough parts to build a nice gaming computer if someone would like a nice computer built
  17. nvidia only has one driver so it works all the time with no bugs. for future reference. but i would like to see when ati goes since amd bought them
  18. well i found out today that amd bought ati sooooooo i might want for the next set of amd built atis and get that
  19. i am looking to get a new card right now but idk if i am saying ati or going to the darkside of geforce
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