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Everything posted by sloth69mustang

  1. we will see who wins. oh we will see lol
  2. ninja mod told kills chuck
  3. i am pretty sure it is writen on the window. didnt i beat you the last time we raced? or like everytime we race? i took you by 2 cars off that dig on 23
  4. i posted pics of the ranger engine on my thread. and you can ask her if my ranger beat her lebaron before bc i raced her in it in the past
  5. last time i checked lebarons didnt run 11.89 quarters but i am pretty sure they ran a 18.2 http://www.albeedigital.com/supercoupe/articles/0-60times.html
  6. do i know this mike? lol and superhawk do you live at the house with the 5.0 on smokey rd?
  7. the acct is back up but it is not letting her view any forums stuff. she got the activation email and did that whole deal but it says something about having to wait....idk. and her acct name is hotpants
  8. i believe every bit of that. i saw it. i think there is video on it some where.
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