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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Impossable !!! Pauls coolnes is lyke stearing at the son !!!
  2. I love my 4g63 ... while I still have it anyway. LOL.
  3. You should go down there and show em whats what.
  4. True ... old indeed. Though that can never be posted too much.
  5. You're all part of the god damn problem.
  6. "SOL 740" is the name of the attack satelite in the anime Akira.
  7. Related. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/offical.jpg
  8. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/gang.jpg
  9. Yeah the PC shit can go too far for sure. I'm curious if it's 'being PC' that is the issue. With Tom Cruise and the whole Scientology debacle I had heard it was fear of advertisement revenue streams being threatened that finally got CC to agree to censor the show. This time no such line exists so is CC actually trying to protect Matt Stone and Trey Parker ?
  10. I've donated to children in overseas 3rd world countries before, and will likely do so again. The difference from my point of view is the availability of opportunity. In the states those parents living under the bridge need only walk to the nearest Family Services building, and now the child has food, clothes, education, and shelter under foster or state care. In the meantime the parent can find employment, steady-housing, and hopefully within a reasonable amount of time, prove their ability to take care of their child and get them back. In 3rd world countries there are much, much fewer options if any, and many of the options include much more horrifying circumstances than just starvation. Not sure what that has to do with South Park being censored in regards to offending Islam though.
  11. Thanks, its about to be sold, but thanks. Oh and sorry about teh web seriousity. You can kick me in the balls next time I see you.
  12. That's a fatalist approach. I got my dream girl already though, we've been married for 8 years. She was 5'3" 110lbs when we started dating and she's 114lbs now. We've had two children, one 9 pounder and one 7 pounder. C-sections for both. Sure everyone's body is different, but when she got well enough she knew I preferred her thin and fit, and she busted ass to get back to that size. Fuck "taking what you can get", if that's somebody's approach to meeting someone of the opposite (or same I guess) sex, regardless of what size you prefer a woman be, you're selling yourself short.
  13. JR, I gotta disagree with you on this one man. If a person can come to the united states and eek out a happy (i.e. pursuit of) existence and never learn a lick of English more power to em. Now most immigrants working on citizenship usually do try to learn to communicate within reason. Though some people are citizens here, and live in practically autonomous societies while obeying federal and state laws and also don't speak English. Any Chinatown is a good example. I think a lot of the problem is people misconstrue 'speaking another language' with 'being illegal', which is borderline retarded. What does "enforcing English" have to do with freedom ? How do you enforce such a law ? Is there a time-limit to how long you can take to "learn" English ? Who is paying for the department that handles these Language issues ? The English tests and support costs? Is there an appeals process ? How much does that cost ? What is the effect ? Is it positive ? Is it worth it ? Are you making it more enticing to go the illegal route to avoid the hassle ? This kind of legislation would be a gigantic waste of time. Especially when the actual problem most people have is illegal workers taking up jobs, (blame the employer not the worker, though most of these jobs aren't exactly desirable anyway, also blame the average American citizen for constantly choosing the lowest price, you want legal workers we will pay higher prices for services) when there is double-digit unemployment. Or illegals having access to welfare, or medical benefits all of which are valid concerns, and due reform to close the biggest loopholes, but English Language laws would be an egregious (and expensive and unnecessary) overstep.
  14. This thread is making me hungry.
  15. Welcome Adrian. Hey ... have fun with what ya got right ?
  16. Politicians should focus on balancing budgets, and making life better for its citizens. I would like to see the raw monetary numbers of what kind of state savings they incur from doing away with tests in multiple languages. Is it the print cost ? Why not use computer stations programmed in multiple languages ? I know immigrants who speak English well enough, but aren't as efficient reading/writing. Its sad people will gob onto such hackneyed one liners and take that as a useful platform for leadership.
  17. I wouldn't go as far as to throw the 1st amendment in there, but its definitely at best showing some favoritism (South Park cracks on religion all the time, though CC also caved to Scientology complaints), and at worst giving in to terrorist demands.
  18. Good stuff Ford. I hear its actually a 5.0 this time.
  19. All religion is stupid, but Islam is the worst. There is a special nook in retard-land assigned just to Islam. Remember those Danish cartoons ... the ones that had some references to how violent Islam is ? Remember the Muslim response ? http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/MohammedCartoons6.gif
  20. sol740

    727whp Evo

    An evo should run 13's stock.
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