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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    Portal is free

    That's right, it is. Updated first post.
  2. I enjoyed the first one almost solely cause RDJ was a great Stark. So hopefully I like this one too.
  3. sol740

    Portal is free

    Don't forget to DL Portal from steam if you don't already have it, cause its free till the 24th I believe. PC or MAC !
  4. Shit is heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time.
  5. sol740


    I decline my right to a late night, half-drunken triplestamp. Or do I ?
  6. sol740


    Since none of you guys read all of ^^^^^^^^^ ... It was about tits and ass, and having sex with titties and assholes. FEMALE TITTIES AND ASSHOLES, Hi-5 !
  7. sol740


    I'm going to expound upon this because it was the basis for my first post, in which I was light-heartingly[sic] quibbing as I usually do, and now I'm in the odd position of defending my "opinion" as Nther put it, as if it was an ideal, and not an opinion. I suppose I should secede my right to an opinion and simply accept that I am wrong and Nther is right because he can insult people. There ... happy ? Now to put more thought into this than I actually cared to at the start of this thread. From what I gathered GOOOH is essentially a grass-roots movement, aimed at restoring their idea of the fundamentals of the constitution as defined by ... well ... the members/constituents ect of GOOOH, likely the higher ranking members as hierarchies tend to naturally develop on their own in our society due to our human tendency of "not wanting to give a fuck for too long so I can live my life, or you can pay me to become your living agenda". Now IMH"OPINION" there is nothing inherently wrong with that, I myself try to support independent movements that I can agree with, and may even agree with a lot of what they claim to support. I may have even voted before. Thumbing through their forums I came across a lot of really interesting ideas, and conversations centered around many of the topics we may or may not discuss in everyday life/internet/masturbation routines. Ideas such as taxation reform, freedom of speech, immigration, church & state. Pretty much running the entire spectrum of quasi-political talk we all engage in and enjoy today. While I see plenty of life/liberty/freedom pontification, and that's all good and well, I don't see a lot of solutions outside of just creating a 3rd party based around "independents" that would eventually either fade away, or become part, or all, of a ruling party. The voters themselves would still split damn near 50/50 the way we do now, as many of the more regularly divisive issues begin to separate the camps. Now all of the "independent" ideas we were having have to be sifted, and broken down into bite-sizable chunks of information that can be easily disseminated (haha da-semen) much as it is today. I think you can extrapolate where I'm going. For me, and this is just "MY INCORRECT OPINION", after all the rhetoric and political pats on the back, we would inevitably end up in a similar place, two groups of idealistically opposed peoples, whose goals may in fact be very similar, just with different approaches as to how to achieve said goals. With leaders that act as proxy-humans and walking slogan advertisements for *whatever*. The "everyday" American Joe Schmoe that becomes a politician does so and now has back-stage access to all the tom-fuckery that the current ones do now. Pretty much the only thing I absolutely know is that human beings cannot be trusted, therefore I do not immediately trust when groups of people get together to "do stuff", and or "things". Maybe I am "META-INDEPENDENT" ? I think that makes me some kind of Independence Deity, I should be hoisted upon the shoulders of the fellow independencers[sic](independancers if you're homosexual, female, or just like to dance, or homosexual) and paraded around the closest town-square so I may shout one-liners at my followers.
  8. sol740


    I direct you to my previous post. Here it is if you missed it.
  9. sol740


    BWHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Thanks, you've made my day.
  10. I haves a boner and its red, and rhymes with scerarri.
  11. sol740


    Yes. Why bother with elections when we can just have our leaders placed into office by our evertrusted GOOOH officials.
  12. Played out Borat Voice says ... Very Niiiiice.
  13. Agreed, time for new v10 Supra ? Turbo ?
  14. If I link cracked anymore I'm going to have to change my username to digg740. Regardless Seanbaby is a hero of mine so fuck off. http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-10-worst-mma-fights-of-all-time/
  15. Awesome intro and mad cool collection.
  16. Also willing to trade PSP for decent sized LCD monitor. 21"+. Thanks
  17. I chuckled cause it's dildos.
  19. You guys are fucking nuts, that thing is bad ass(rear end is a little sketchy, but the side-view is TITS). Not saying there aren't other cars I would buy before it, but there are cars I'd buy before every car but one. Budget is the problem.
  20. I have a netgear wge111 gaming adapter I'm not really using anymore. http://www.amazon.com/Netgear-WGE111-Mbps-Wireless-Adapter/dp/B000637RGQ $30 ? Setup is relatively simple, you plug the device into your computer first, and login to the device, setup your wifi info (SSID,WEP,WPA), save the settings and then voila ... wireless xbox goodness. What do you mean ? Which wireless adapter is better ? Or which type of connection is better, wired or wireless ? Not really sure which adapter has the best general throughput cause I've never seen any comparisons. As far as which connection is better wired or wireless, I'd say wired if you're doing a ton of local transfers from device to device over the network (gigabit), but related strictly to gaming online it doesn't really matter. Your local speeds on a G router are going to be faster than your provided internet speed anyway.
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