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Everything posted by sol740

  1. So I recently purchased 2 of these rows for my home theater. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/buccaneer-06.jpg A buddy is purchasing my old furniture and will be grabbing it shortly. Before I was using a couple loveseats and a couple chairs, and didn't need tiered seating. Now the rows are going to be directly in front of each other and I'll need a riser for the back row. Here's some of the DIY designs I've seen. http://www.audioholics.com/tweaks/do-it-yourself-diy-topics/multifunction-theater-seat-riser http://www.hometheaterstepbystep.com/Construction/HomeTheaterRiser.aspx http://www.seatsandchairs.com/home-theater-seating-chairs/pc/viewcontent.asp?idpage=6 http://www.ehow.com/how_4899466_build-home-theater-riser.html Now I don't need anything fancy, just a 7-9 inch riser, no steps or rope lighting needed. I don't have any wood tools, nor experience minus an old highschool wood shop class that I continually sucked ass in. I'll be doing the carpet myself, and since the whole room is being redone is theater carpet eventually, I just need the box built. Online I've seen prebuilt risers that range from $300-$600 and come carpeted or painted. I would prefer to pay less, since I think that sounds like a ripoff. If you can do this (or know someone who can), hit me up. What sounds like a fair price (materials will be purchased and ready to go based off of a plan above)? The box I would want would likely be smaller too, since I think 72" deep is far bigger than what I want.
  2. Welcome-ish, get some pics up.
  3. Don't feel too bad. I too, camp a general area. I have my claymores and my m16+shotgun combo, and I always have a positive K/D, so fuck it.
  4. If he has an actual interest in photography I would recommend it, you can always buy a cheap P+S for when needed. I just picked up an old Canon powershot (6 MP) for under $50.
  5. This is truth. Even Jesus crawled out of the primordial ooze of teh chans.
  6. Welcome, its a clean ride. I wouldn't waste time(money) modding it, but to each their own.
  7. I'd stick to craigslist since you can at least hold the camera in your hands and verify no fuckery. You should be able to easily find a DSLR in that price range (likely the full kit) if you're patient enough.
  8. You promised not to talk about my noob-fetish on the board.
  9. I'm also in the general dislike of PT cruisers camp. Though it was a solid intro and you don't come off like a dipshit (not yet anyway). Welcome, and try not to get too toasty.
  10. Welcome. I had FN01RC's on my Z. Loved em.
  11. You have two basic types of cheaters in COD, or overall really. The Cheater-Griefer is out to specifically ruin everyone else's fun. That becomes the game, the actual game is the means to an end. This person is a depraved loser. Other forms of non-cheater Griefing may include (but are not limited to), blocking a route such as a bridge or a door, and not moving. Mobbing up on low level characters in PVP, and/or robbing them of their lowliest game possessions to make more difficult their noobly situation. Or almost any other way to not "play right". The second type of griefing can be really hilarious if done right (assuming you're not the victim, though sometimes even that can be funny). Also there is the Booster-Cheater, the meta-game (leveling up to an arbitrary number, or getting a higher prestige level) whore. This person is even lowlier than the Cheater-Griefer because at least they have a humorous goal in mind, even if they are total dicks about it. The Booster-Cheater actually assigns value to the in-game rewards, and works dilligently to chase that goal, as opposed to actually having fun playing the intended game. Hilariously this person often loses interest in the game after reaching said pointless goal.
  12. Will try to make an appearance. Feign mild interest. Then leave with no farewell.
  13. I remember seeing a concept that looked real nice. Not like a carbortion.
  14. Damn well considering it. Get a thread going.
  15. You can't go wrong with either Canon or Nikon (I went with Canon cause I got a Rebel kit at a great price, then upgraded to a 40d), but since you're going to be making a commitment to a particular system, figure out which focal lengths you are most interested in shooting in(what type of photography you will be doing most), and then research who's lenses perform better in that range for your budget. Once you start getting into L glass prices though, you probably won't be too let down by any of them.
  16. Just takes discipline on your part. It can be quite a bit more convenient since most schools record their live-chats so you can always come back and listen to the lesson later. Or if you just keep up with the required discussion posts, and study enough you might not even need to do that at all.
  17. Srsly, man. Dude is lucky you are so levelheaded. Sounds like he has some masculinity issues. V6 huh ?
  18. sol740

    Man Killed

    Sorry to hear. RIP.
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