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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I had a background check for my last two positions, seems like a pretty standard hiring procedure for "real" jobs. Its a good sign for you that they are doing one.
  2. The thought crossed my mind.
  3. It was, and I waved at you, though I suppose you couldn't see me ... ya know ... cause the tint. Also thanks for blocking the troopers line of sight to me, I probably should have been nailed for speeding. That would have been a great week, one ticket for speeding, and one for tint. 28% I thinks he said. I was going to ask if he wanted to do a 40 roll to get out of the ticket, then I thought not.
  4. So this happened. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/CIMG0174.jpg Apparently the previous owner of my car put on illegal tint (which I love of course), I always sort of assumed it was illegal, but I had never received a ticket for it. Till yesterday that is. Thanks officer dickhead, keep protecting and serving. I suppose I should look into getting tint just a couple ticks over the legal percent so I still get harassed, but can laugh in their face when it checks legal. I'm sure he would have got me for something though the way he whipped around to come get me.
  5. I don't what the hell game you folks have been playing but Forza3 has sick physics. Turn off all the hand-holders and turn on the telemetry. The 360 has had some fucked up reliability issues, but you know what ? They stepped up and offered a 3 year warranty on every effected 360. I've had 2 RROD's and it sucked ass, but at least I wasn't just fucked out of my cash cause the initial year had passed. I can't tell you how many ps1, ps2 failures I had that were out of warranty (particularly drive failures) and I didn't get shit from Sony. Glad I had a extended retail warranty or I would have been left out in the cold. Regardless my point is that all manufacturers will have hardware bugs, what counts is if they take responsibility for them. (yes I am aware that they were, to a degree, forced to take action as the result of a class-action would have been far more ugly) The PS3 is an awesome piece of hardware but I tend to pick the 360 for the multi-platform titles cause the network is better, and by far more robust, and I much prefer the 360 controller for its stick placement and triggers (x1000 for shooters). The PS3 plays more Blu-ray movies in my house than games, but IMHO the exclusives more than make up for the cost of the hardware. Uncharted 2, Killzone2, LittleBig, Infamous, and soon God of War are fucking FTMFW. If GT5 ever comes out that would likely be another sick title. GT5 prologue doesn't even count, fucking paid demo bullshit.
  6. I figure i can always buy it again later and for much less.
  7. I know I'll be reserving my copy for the PS4.
  8. Bob Evans wildfire chicken.
  9. Sounds a lot like Son of a Gun. And since there are no names, or pics, or anything I'm going to have to call hoax. Though regardless That Girl > Mary ... cause of the blowjob/swallow combo.
  10. Some of the more famous opponents of capital punishment have been the very religious. Nuns and what have you, hardly "liberals" so your generalization is faulty. Also I am very much for more "liberal" (yuck yuck yuck) use of the death penalty in cases where there is zero doubt, yet many would label me a liberal. Also faulty. Touching on your delusional tirade about "pro-choice" proponents wanting nothing more than to set a guinness record for abortions in an hour, that would be like me saying every pro-lifer wants nothing more than to blow-up abortion clinics with reckless abandon. (what is it with the religious and explosives anyway ? ALALALALALALALALALALA) Two opposite sides of the stupidity coin here, made to polarize, and not to find a compromise. Keep in mind I would be in full support of time-restricted abortions. I do not consider protoplasms to be babys. If we are going to call all possibility of human life, life, then we need to start making masturbation illegal because techincally your sperm is "alive" and every time I wax my computer monitor I'm murdering all my would-be children. Though what this has to do with a gay dating commercial I will never know. As far as someone forcing your kids to be gay, how about you just don't watch that program or network. If you hate Roseanne, or Will and Grace then don't fucking watch those shows, or hell block the network. No one is forcing you to do anything. Having a black man kiss a white woman would have been lynch-worthy in a certain place and time in this country. Lots of folks didn't see the good in that either. I think your confused as to who is being oppressed. Also gay men making out is kind of gross to me, and CBS definitely has the right to choose what advertisements they run.
  11. Exactly. Religious folks (from all religions) pick and choose which parts of their faiths to be fanatics about, and which parts they get a pass on. That's why its all bullshit. Yada yada yada (insert stock sol740 religious rant) add sarcasm, mix with some charm, a dash of wit, and a near impeccable timing. Voila !!!
  12. Prisoners shouldn't be allowed to do shit, but serve their time and make license plates. They're not in jail to get to know Jesus, Allah, or The Elder Forest Spirit. That's pretty equal right ?
  13. All of your answers lie within. http://www.godhatesshrimp.com/
  14. HOLY SHIT #22 is the coming of the apocalypse !
  15. LOL , but I got to facepalm to the "Your".
  16. I had a lul. Thanks Onion. http://www.theonion.com/content/news/science_channel_refuses_to_dumb/
  17. One of the best games I've played all last year, and IMHO the best game available for the PS3.
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