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Everything posted by sol740

  1. You'll be on your way to 2005 in no time. Hit me up on live.
  2. As series of pops or just one really loud one followed by squishy noises ?
  3. Depends what your definition of 'Roid Rage' is, anabolics can lead to increased aggression/irritability. Whether or not someone roids out and goes Hulk, sure that's probably exaggerated.
  4. sol740

    Free LCD TV!!!!

    BAHAHAHAHA ! Paul will take it !
  5. I also think folks rush into major commitments way too fast. Though in all honesty, time is against you. Its also very difficult to find someone who: A. Compliments your intellect and personality B. You find attractive C. Has tolerable flaws If you can find a person that fits the above, I'd say you have a good shot.
  6. Theres usually a button on the unit itself that you need to press to allow new keypads. For whatever reason it may just need to be re-added. Check your manual, or get online.
  7. sol740

    Make it so FBS

    Amendment to hr390 to include not only the term "national championship", but also any other "similar representation". http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_111/20091209/hr390_manager.pdf
  8. sol740

    Make it so FBS

    *ShakingFistInAir* I'll sexual tension you ! Wait ... no ... that's not ... YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP !
  9. WTF ? Both are great locations that are close but I have to disagree. More like outside of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, California, a good chunk of Canada, and even Vermont. Still awesome compared to flat-ass Ohio though.IMHO 7springs is the shit just due to the short drive time, even if Snowshoe is much more a 'resort' setup. The upside down lodging is pretty awesome too. We rented a condo right at the top, and walked out the back sliding glass door and right onto a nice blue cruiser. Good shit.
  10. sol740

    Make it so FBS

    I don't have my hopes up, believe me. That doesn't mean I don't want it though. When I started this thread it was more to hear opposing arguments to a "playoff", not necessarily to debate the likelihood of the bill causing major changes. Though wouldn't I be giddy if it did ? As far as whether the government should be wasting time with college football, that is arguable, and I think it's sad that it has even popped up at this level. IMHO a tournament should have existed decades ago. Why hasn't it ? We all know the answer.
  11. sol740

    Make it so FBS

    Where did I backpedal ? Bitching ? Me thinks you're taking your internets too serious . You have an opinion, and I respect that, but you charged in with the "so sick of this" "you don't understand" isms and I responded. I think you're simply misunderstanding my point, but whatever. Why include yourself in this thread if you're so tired of hearing about it ? I'm asking that seriously.
  12. sol740

    Make it so FBS

    You seem to have a difficult time comprehending the point to this thread so I will spell it out for you, SIMPLY as you put it. Nowhere did I say that I think this is going to happen. Just that it reinforces the idea of having a playoff, and that I (a college football fan) want that. The only thing I said was that I was FOR A PLAYOFF. Then I listed reasons. You then jumped in here espousing your unlimited knowledge of "big money bureaucracy" and had a tangent about semantics. Such as ... That's great, again where did I say this would move the current system into playoff ? I stated I agreed with a playoff, and why, and that this bill reinforces (nudges if you will) that such a change is the only fair way to crown a champion. It is. Please point out where I jumped up and down and said "THANK GOD THERE'S GOING TO BE A FUCKING PLAYOFF !!! LOOK AT THE PROOF !!! IT SAYS SO HERE !!!".
  13. sol740

    Make it so FBS

    Nudging is exactly what it does, and you can argue the semantics of it all day long, but that's not really what I was going for in this thread. I am for a playoff, anything that goes into suggesting that is possible/maybeish is a plus in my book. Is it the most pressing or important thing ? Obviously not. Not every bill that passes is "the most important shit ever", and most of the important stuff is debated endlessly anyway. Calling it a National Championship is false advertisement. The aim of the bill is have a playoff put into effect. Hence why it is called the "college football playoff act of 2009" after all, if changing a name dodges that, or there are no provisions for synonyms of the word 'championship', that would be pretty sad. I am rooting for Cincy (even if I think they're going to get decimated) though. As far as "nobody understands ... the bill", I read the bill, understood it just fine, and thought it was a hilarious.
  14. sol740

    Make it so FBS

    Correct, it nudges by disallowing the name. Also if you're sick of reading about it, stop reading about it.
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