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Posts posted by sol740

  1. Dark Souls PTD for 7ish is an amazing deal, probably my favorite game of 2012, and I still regularly play. Basically 3D Castlevania that will kick your ass first time through.
  2. Interesting. Thanks for posting.


    IB4 all the statistical fact checkers hit the board.


    Overall though, a well done, entertaining presentation.


    Fact-checking is always good, even if fact-checking sources can be as biased as anyone else, sample questions can be leading, pools can be concentrated, so on, so forth. I think the more information one explores, the better to draw conclusions one becomes. Here's an interesting piece from Huffpo about Jury Instruction.




    Even if I disagree with the conclusion that the judge basically decided the verdict, the evidence would still call for a Not Guilty, IMO, it's interesting to read. What the video I posted best draws attention to is the narrative of "Zimmerman the racist profiler", his history defending a black man who was beaten, and giving some history to the neighborhood problems with burglaries and theft, and why he may have been suspicious of those he didn't recognize regardless of race. No one in their right mind would look at a picture of Zimmerman and call him "white", but our media initially and incorrectly reported "white man kills skittle-snacking 12 yr old unarmed black child" so we move to "well he's a white-hispanic" to keep the circus lights flashing. For once a Facebook meme was spot-on. Zimmerman is as much a white-hispanic, as Obama is a white-African.

  3. There is a wide divide between "not guilty" and "innocent".


    At the very least he is not innocent of being an asshole.


    I tend to agree that he was kind of an asshole for not letting the police check out the situation.


    However, having been on a neighborhood watch committee in our old neighborhood in Blacklick, I understand how frustrating it can be to deal with numerous break-ins, car or home, vandalism, and what have you. It makes you suspicious. My old civic was busted into twice, for literal quarters and dimes, the second time they even busted my window WHILE THE FUCKING DOOR WAS PURPOSEFULLY LEFT OPEN to avoid having to pay to fix the lock again. When you have those kind of issues you can become suspicious of people you don't recognize walking around. Now I would never personally approach someone I suspected, armed or not, unless there was an imminent threat to someone else's life or well-being, and this clusterfuck with Zimmerman only further cements that line of thought.

  4. While none of the info in this documentary is particularly new or shocking to anyone that pays attention, it's framed in an way that is continuously entertaining. The movie plays out like a training video for someone who may be interested in starting in the drug trade, and working their way up the ladder. The satire is sometimes too aware of itself, but overall I thought it balanced the information nicely.



  5. I hope they're defended by the union, given paid administrative leave till the situation blows over, then eventually transferred to another city/county/state in time to violate the rights of someone else.
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