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Everything posted by sol740

  1. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/c6z.jpg
  2. They had some decent tracks, but IMO Soundgarden, and Rage, should've just stayed put.
  3. :funny: The car is ungodly sick ... the badges just gay it up a little.
  4. I love me some Soundgarden. Though I don't think they'd still have what they had 10 years ago if they were to get back together. A little Superunknown will cure what ails ya.
  5. sol740

    School Shootings

    I see this as less a correlation to meds/treatment, and more as proof that these people had issues in the first place. This is a crude, yet apt analogy. Lets say you have a crackhead, a rabbi, and a circus clown living in your house. One day you come home and the VCR/Betamax combo you recently purchased is missing. You inspect the rooms of your guests for clues. You notice the crackheads rooms is littered with trash, vomit, a vagrant, pawn shop receipt, and small pieces of crack/cocaine, the room smells of foul-burning chemicals. You notice in his bathroom that he has been using a different type of hand soap, and shampoo than the clown and the rabbi. Ideas flutter, and you begin to formulate that the added chemicals in the soap/shampoo combo may have had an effect on the crackhead over an extended period of time. The two liquid soaps together may have even reacted with each other, heightening their otherwise innocuous effects. These reactions may have caused a chemical response in the section of the brain that controls impulsive, deviant, behavior such as theft, and smoking crack with street folk. That or the crackhead just stole your shit so he could go get some crack.
  6. God I loved these things when I first saw them, now the same thing that happened to mustangs for me is happening to these. The more I see, the more I meh.
  7. Well a swift kick in the balls will set them straight.
  8. You still take crappy pictures by the way.
  9. ^ not if I kick him in the balls he won't.
  10. sol740

    It's Sizzlin.

    I can't say I am able to disagree. It is ... sizzlin ... after all.
  11. sol740


    I know you two have similar sigs, but can we keep the e-hate directed at l|ll|llll|ll|lll|ll| or whatever the fuck his name is.
  12. sol740


    I got 5k thats says I've lost interest ... kkkkk.
  13. sol740


    Its right under rule #34 ... ban teh douches ... no exceptions. http://www.no-clutter.com/gallery/albums/motivational/rule_34.jpg
  14. :barf:and :jerkit: into:eek2:= :nws:
  15. Why that looks delicious ... I will have some
  16. sol740


    Can't rep him enough.
  17. So now I go LOL ... OP fix yo shit man.
  18. sol740


    So freeways are now legal stretches of racing tarmac ? I feeexed it.
  19. LMAO !!! This thread now delivers.
  20. Red is teh win. Nice. You mean that person in the tiny picture that I can't even see. Noted.
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