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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Cafe Nepolitano, Downtown. Yum.
  2. Alright, the first person that can correctly explain the Theory of Relativity to me in this thread will prove the following: A. You have mastered not only the Copy function, but its elusive counterpart, Paste. B. Completing this multi-step process puts you in an IQ range of at least 70-85. C. Congrats.
  3. sol740

    MRM Saturday

    Give me a call douche.
  4. sol740

    MRM Saturday

    Hmmm, I may go tonight actually. Weather forecast looks better tonight.
  5. sol740

    MRM Saturday

    LOL ... Lemme check out how conditions pan out. If its rainy and gross I'm playing video games. I'll tune my board tonight just in case.
  6. sol740

    MRM Saturday

    Hit me up too if this goes down, midnight madness woukd be fun. (if it is ice I'll just sharpen my edges a little more than usual)
  7. When I just do a "push-up", is that automatically a chinese push-up ?
  8. Several of my closest chums and I took turns having intercourse with several of your mothers orifices, thusly succeeded by group ejaculation onto her anxiously awaiting visage.
  9. Einstein was a genius in school, particularly at math. Teachers tell shitty students he did poorly to make them feel better.
  10. Always glad to please
  11. Your mother is a dislikable person, I have heard through a series of human networks that her promiscuity knows no bounds.
  12. Can't wait to see it in action. Though ... cough cough ... bigger turbo ... cough ...
  13. *Shaking Fist* That's "sexyblue" to you.
  14. Im wouldn't trust "click here" test scores. I would imagine like most ad-revenue supported websites that # of clicks is what actually matters, and score inflation promotes one passing the website to a friend. just my .02
  15. Yup and if the bitch is receptive than fuck her. Also your friend is a douche. Get rid of both.
  16. That is not proof. That was an educated guess. A great guess for sure, and almost without a shred of doubt. "Almost" being the key word. I happen to agree with your statement regarding using comprehendable objects and things, I will look into the suggested reading. However I was only speaking in relation to the "big 3" really. They all use easily comprehendable basics, and stories, because like my unicorn, a man wrote it. I can't speak about things I am unable to comprehend, such as general spirituality, however when comparing apples to apples, a unicorn in space, or a forbidden fruit in garden w/ talking snakes, are ideas we can imagine and understand. Both sound equally preposterous, but one people swear by daily. Which leads back to the problem, mankind. Though Brian wins, we are doomed.
  17. Being an agnostic is great. The fundementals are sound enough, you cannot (as of yet) prove there is not some kind of "god" somewhere out there. So you therefore cannot deny the existence of. Likely this will never be proven. However this comes back to the point I keep bringing up over and over. The likelihood of any human being having ever right about "god" is so low I can't even fathom it. Yet the numbers plummets to even lower levels when you take into account that the idea has to be passed from one human to the next. Even if by some off chance we got the right message at some point, would it reach a point thousands of years down the line through countless translations, reorganizations, and even rewritings. Most likely not, this has been all but proven by the Bible itself. How many different translations are there ? Which leads directly into my other major point, probability. The story I made up about the Unicorn on Saturns Rings that rules our destiny. None of you can prove that that story I fabricated isn't in fact true. However not being able to prove it wrong, doesn't nessesarily make it any more right. Which is exactly how I feel about all organized religions, just because there is no truth-o-meter in place that can test religious texts, doesn't mean they are right by default. The probability stays the same that it is many times more likely that mankind was using religious influence to further ones selfish needs, rather than we just happened to defy the odds for thousands of years. This of course only applies to organized religion, not nessesarily just a thinking that a god may possibly exist.
  18. The supermarket should also refuse to give them food or water. Problem solved.
  19. They still won't let me join
  20. sol740


    It is new and will have hiccups for sure. I'm going with the 10mbps pack over the 18mbps package since the upload stays the same, and I'm not a super-heavy downloader per se.
  21. LOL ... I'm just fucking with you. Besides yellow has several other awesome applications, like school-buses, bananas, and sunflowers. So thats awesome !
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