Oh and I do believe in something ... the near mathematical constant of human error. Which is exactly why you need science to play rule-keeper for all of lifes little games.
Seriously, what if I walked into your house at 3am, and advised you as you awoke that I was only there to look over your things, and make sure they were safe. Would you believe me ? Of course not, that would be stupid, right ? Why would you trust me ? You sure enough don't know me, but what if someone told you that letting me watch your stuff at night, was the only way to get into the "Club of Big-Titted Blondes", but you could only go after you die, but it would last forever. Still stupid right ? Now take any irrational belief and apply it to many, and you have a religion.
Now why would you call the homeless guy on the street screaming wildy, about how 'god speaks' to him, "crazy", yet if a churchload do it, its a belief I should respect unquestionably.