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Posts posted by sol740

  1. I refuse to spend money at businesses that are very open with their pro-crime attitude. Say Bdubs. Enumerated excluded, I more often, simply don't see signs, because I'm not looking, and no one will know unless I'm in a much worse off situation than "sign no payer attention to guy".


    Not giving advice, my advice is to obey the law to the best of your ability. Also, with any CPZs you find, send them the letter that OHCCW has conveniently ready to go. Sometimes those places get those stickers sent to them, and assume they have to have them up. Never engage businesses without signage.

  2. 3" might be pushing it. My beaters on my DW double pedal are really thin, and positioned pretty close but maybe a bit over 3". You may have to adjust the sensitivity of the kickpad to get the sound you want. I would try to borrow a friends pedal before I threw down on one just to make sure. However, a nice pedal you keep, and when you upgrade to a nicer set, you're good to go.
  3. I just prefer Pmags for all the wrong reasons. All of my GI mags rattle, and feel cheap, even though I've never had any issues with them. I like the aesthetics of the Pmags better. I like the followers, and loading them better. Though I never balked at buying GI mags since pre-Sandy they were dirt cheap.
  4. An ad hominem response indicating that you can not intellectually contest a single point.





    I am intimately familiar with the Austrian School of economics. I like that you took the cover of Hazlitt's book to mean that you do not need to confront yourself with a single dissenting opinion. It explains a lot, especially your reference to the outdated term: "Keynesian Economist".


    The Austrian School does not factor in the economic reality of hoarding and fails to recognize the reality and domestic impact of globalism. Translation: The Austrian School did not anticipate that despite positive economic indicators, favorable consumer confidence, and the lowest taxes in decades. The Austrian model (if they actually used mathematic models) would predict domestic injection of private capital. The reality is that is remains on the sidelines in unprecedented magnitude. If those dollars were actually being injected into the economy, then we could argue who spends it more effectively. It's not and you simply cannot argue otherwise. Your "broken window fallacy" mentality is a reflection of the simplicity sought by Free Market enthusiasts; unfortunately, as is often the case, simplicity is confused with clarity.



    At no point did I state that nothing should be done, I've agreed with most of the people who have put actual ideas into the argument. Most of those things do need to be done but not yet. With 5%+ growth year over year and some structural fixes to the reason for the fragility, I definitely believe some austerity will be necessary.


    You toss out the Huckabee handgrenade and point the "ad hominem ad hominem!" stick at me? Please, the last hundred or so years of boom/bust cycle, and inflation is all the proof I need. I believe in the broken window, as any logical person should. I've noticed those who don't tend to believe in the wholly non-existent, and would-be-illegal-in-court "social contract". Ideological differences I suppose. The over-complication of the dismal science is a purposeful sleight designed to make the layman afraid to question his own robbery. Keynesian is outdated? What country are you living in? Do we have a central bank that finger fucks our government and vice versa? Let me guess, socialized healthcare isn't socialism, and the leftist media is a construct of FoxNews and Limbaugh. Fuck it, QE4, trillion-dollar coins, deficit spending. Surely the signs of fiscal solvency, and the height of governmental responsibility.

  5. blah blah blah blah blah



    Short version of long windbag answer.




    Read Hazlitts "Economics in One Lesson". That's all most layman need to know about economics and it's not complicated.


    Bottom line: Do you think you can spend your money more effectively than wasteful, asshole bureaucrats in Washington?


    Seriously? Huckabee? I'm an atheist, we often don't see eye to eye.

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