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Posts posted by sol740

  1. Now that I found a decent bolt-action I need to find a gunsmith to do the work I'm scared to attempt, so I'm looking for some references. It's all pretty standard work for a 700, cut and recrown the barrel, freefloat the barrel and bed the action if necessary after I install the new stock and do some testing. Thanks.
  2. My build is based on this exact gun


    I loved your build thread. I've been wanting to do a long range build for some time, was just waiting for a deal to pop up on a 700, CZ, or Savage. I have some plans for this action, but I plan on taking it out stock and just getting an idea of how it shoots unmolested.

  3. Wife handed me an ad last night looking through Black Friday deals that caught my attention. $450 Remington 700 Varmint with heavy barrel and an additional $100 rebate. Comes with cheap scope. Went and waited last night. Couldn't take it home last night because BCI was down. There were still some available this morning.



  4. because they have done nothing to deserve it?


    because no local law or ordinance may supersede state law in regards to firearms?


    because this is gun registration, which isn't a part of Ohio law?


    because this is the same city with over the line cops that threaten to shoot valid CCW holders in the FUCKING FACE, for a mistake the officer made?


    because this is the same city that has tried to strip legal gun owners of their right to own guns time and again even after Ohio passed preemption?


    It seems like there has been a fresh story of Akron being way over the line in regards to guns about every 6 months. They instruct their officers to push the boundaries of what they are allowed to do to oppress gun owners including confiscating legally owned guns with no intention of returning them until a court orders them multiple times to do so, and then enact a gun registration when they are clearly not legally able to. This is why this is an issue. Give the city of Akron an inch and they will go from bending the laws to outright breaking them with complete disregard to what the state of Ohio allows them to do.


    This is quoted so you can re-read it. The police aren't always your protectors and superbuddies. I'd say this regions track record of abuses towards firearm owners should be more than enough evidence to support not wanting to hand over all your personal information to them, after already proving you are legally able to purchase a firearm.

  5. I certainly wouldn't have any friends answer similar ads, track the guy down, and beat the dog shit out of him or anything hasty like that. That would be something I could never recommend. I'm sure the police will be able to track down this individual, punish appropriately, and make sure restitution is paid.


    I wish you good luck, and hope for the best.

  6. Give the secessionists what they want, but don't allow them to take anything that has been afforded them via any kind of federal subsidies. Or if they do, make them pay heavily for it.


    Texas wants to secede? Fine, then pay back the Union all the money, adjusted for inflation, that was poured into the Texas interstate system from federal coffers. Any oil rigs in Texas that belong to companies that have received federal subsidies or tax breaks must pay back all those subsidies, plus interest. Every Texas farmer who has received federal subsidies would be on the hook. All loans, business or personal, would be void and reposessions of merchandise would be immediate, since all banking laws would change. Oh, and all bank deposits would no longer be FDIC insured. I wonder what that'd do the the financial stability of the new nation-state.


    And they say Obama supporters are entitled... Secession is pretty much the most entitled attitude anyone can have. "I didn't get my way so I'm taking YOUR ball and going home" is what it sounds like to me.


    I have to say I completely disagree, it is the right of the state to secede, and I personally believe it must happen to fix the country (well, at least state-level nullification). The subsidies you discuss were stolen in the first place, so the federal government should pay back all income taxes, plus interest, collected since 1913 first.


    Though signing petitions? You shouldn't be asking permission to secede, the colonies didn't ask King Georges permission.

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