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Posts posted by sol740

  1. Horrendous.


    And you guys thought I had a problem with the uniforms before. That was just a minor little blip on the annoyance radar. These all black abominations are shaping up to be a Class 5 hurricane full of hate.


    Whatever, Oregon neglected all their traditional colors for an all white, winged eyesore and they won the first FBS college football playoff national championship of fashion, so the Buckeyes must follow suit to stay competitive.

  2. I'm disapoint in lack of trash talking and bragging seeing as two B1G teams are number one and two right now.


    Hard to trash talk a ranking you've done little to prove you deserve.


    Yes we won the First REAL college football playoff last season. It was awesome. That team would kick the shit out of the team playing on the last two Saturdays despite being made up of largely the same players.


    Luckily, there's lots of football left to find that offensive identity, and I trust in UFM to make it happen.

  3. Elliot is such a team player. I'm with LJ in that I can't wait to just chill and watch these guys operate. Seems like there's a refreshing lack of ego (save for Cardale's tweetering, which come off more jokey to me), but not lack of drive or skill.


    It's not all sunshine and rainbows though we had some odd secondary quibbles, like that super obvious bootleg strong pass to weak TD. I couldn't believe we bit so hard on that.

  4. Completely disagree. This isn't a program that owes anything to anyone- see Braxton Miller. Cardale and JT competed, straight up, and Cardale won. I'm happy either way. I DID think JT would start, but shit, we are good either way.


    Awesome game- disappointed in some of the comments during the game last night! (kidding of course)....no faith. :)


    Fair enough, maybe "owed" is the wrong choice of words, but Urban said this after the game.


    “Cardale finished the season as the starter, and then I kind of started thinking that for him to not take the first snap he had to get beat out,” Meyer said. “And he wasn’t beat out. It was very close.”
  5. Yes, Jones. Ya know, the baby-faced giant who shows no quarter (even to hospitalized children) won 3 championship games in a row, has a howitzer where his arm should be, flattens 300 pound nose guards when he scrambles, and would likely be JUUUUUUUST fine behind a more limited receiver core having excelled at the 1,2 run type look.


    Just laying that there.


    I don't even think Cardale is the "better" QB per se, but after his 3 game stretch last year, and what it did for the program, I thought Urban knew he owed him the spot (or a chance to lose the spot), even if JT has better leadership skills, and a higher football IQ. That's just my guess, but one must also consider that JT has more eligibility, and Cardale is likely gone after this year.


    Oh, and ...



    B Miller. Damn.

  6. Alabama held Wisky to similar rushing stats as the bucks, just without their Heisman finalist. The Wisky Oline was getting pushed around, and looked soft (exhausted) in the 2nd half.


    Henry is a monster and shouldn't be that fast being as big as he is, and I was impressed with both Bama QBs.


    Caputo getting up and walking over to the Bama huddle and straight hanging out was equal parts hilarious and scary, I imagine he remembers none of that.

  7. Lmao


    I didn't think you could get much worse watching the Michigan kicker. Then the attempt by Minnesota proved me wrong. Fucking terrible attempts


    Very ugly attempts indeed, but not half as atrocious as the QB play going on. When the Jerry Kill Spirit Animals got the ball back with 30ish seconds left you just knew the guy didn't have the arm that type of drive needed.


    It just goes to highlight how lucky the Bucks are to have this QB "problem" right now.

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