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Everything posted by Sig600

  1. Do you have a FASS, or running factory? If you have a FASS, call them and get the 2 micron filter. If not, check these guys out http://www.glacierdieselpower.com All their kits are extremely well put together, and the instructions are good too! Go to Wal-mart, AutoZone, Advance, or a truckstop, and buy Diesel Power Service, in a white jug in the summer, and a gray jug in the winter...I think those are the right color bottles. Read the front to make sure...one should say something like "+ anti gel" or something along those lines! Those aren't sure fire ways to keep a pump alive, but that is what has been recommended to me, and it's a good plan at least. We have at least 4 trucks in my area doing this! Chris
  2. Great...good...whatever! Lot's of people with VP44 24v's have failures. Lots of things have been tried. NOTHING helps to a measurable degree. Some pumps are junk, some pumps live forever. However, I would fell better, if I owned one, and ran additive in the tank. I also recommend a good lift pump if you don't already have one (don't remember seeing if you did or didn't), and run a 2 micron filter on the truck. Chris
  3. Why exactly do you want the high sulphur stuff? More power? Just put some additive in the fuel If you really want to get better fuel, they make racing diesel! Chris
  4. The old tractors will run on ANYTHING you put in the tank that is "oil" It's the new ones, that don't like the old stuff that people should be worried about! How does he know it's LSD instead of ULSD...does he test it? Chris
  5. So did mine...why were you guys driving so slow on the way home though?? We left 30 minutes after you, and caught you at Louisville Chris
  6. Next time you eat lunch, remember that statement;) That farm equipment is big and heavy, and provides food for the world...deal with it taking an extra 5 minutes of your time out of your busy, busy day. If everyone would actually learn how to act around farm equipment on the roads, us farmers would also be a whole lot more considerate to you little bugs on the roads. Believe me, we don't like being on the road any more than we have to...it's dangerous the way most people drive trying to get around equipment, when all they need to do is be patient and let us find them a spot to pass! Chris
  7. Exactly...they don't care who you are or what proof you show them if your blatantly break the law! As far as the over weight fine...they were wrong IF your dad loaded at the farm! If you load at a commercial facility with scales and are overweight, it's your butt! Now I don't know the stipulations on axle weights...sounds like the cop was having a bad day to me! Chris
  8. THERE's your problem...your throttle pedal angles all wrong. Since you short, and then sit on a pillow, it's throwing that angle off and hurting you power AND mileage! You need to get a Honda and FAST to keep from hurting a good truck! Chris
  9. Yep...that's why my power is so low. NO rev gain or TCB, but I'm hoping they run a special on them at the big event in KY this weekend! Your power is so low because your short...wear an extension on your right foot so you can push the pedal all the way Midget! Chris
  10. What?? :zoom: Good luck with the OHP when they find the dye in there...$1,000 fine, plus an additional $100/gallon for what you have in the tank. They don't like it when you don't pay the tax on it! AND, it can take up to a dozen tank fulls before the dye is gone! Believe me or not, the fuel is the same! Chris
  11. Not a problem AS LONG AS you do make some longer drives everyday to get some heat built in the engine. Cold engine is worse than hot in a diesel! Also, keeping your foot out of it while cold is a good way to help it too. Once it warms up, drive it like you stole it! Chris
  12. Good advice...atf is fine for older vehicles with MECHANICAL injection systems. Use diesel specific additives for anything with electronic injection systems! Chris
  13. Dude...the chances of the offroad fuel ACTUALLY being the old LSD instead of ULSD aren't worth the potential fines! The only difference in the fuels today is the dye...which is added by the local oil companies when they put it in the tanks. If you want more lubricity, buy an additive...sulfur does absolutely nothing for lubricity;) It's the processes used to get rid of the sulfur that hurts the lubricity of the fuel, but additives are added back in to achieve a certain standard later on! Chris
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