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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Tentatively in, foreseeing i wake up in time.
  2. I cant put my finger on this one. I usually love gold wheels and that style. Maybe its the pictures. I bet it's 100x times better in person.
  3. You can get amazon prime for free ($79 Value), if you have a .edu email address. Even if you're not a student you can still probably get it as-long as you're (loosely?) affiliated with a University. http://www.amazon.com/gp/student/signup/info
  4. Sorry a bit off-topic, How did you like the probe piston's? there price is quite attractive.
  5. I dont know much about them, but from my experience in a rental TB and a friends TBSS. That was my conclusion also.
  6. How many of those watches have a mechanical movement? only that one Parnis?
  7. I can respect that, Look, I'm just irate today and you happened to be in range. So i took it out on you :bangbang:. Aside from me being angry and taking it out on the innocent . The car does look amazing. :thumbup:
  8. Oh the car is definitely gorgeous, don't get me wrong. I mistakingly omitted that from my original reply (which is the topic of this thread isn't it?) But the argument at hand is the use of sidewall in a tire, and or High speed cornering, in which the tire compound also comes into play.
  9. Or how about traction? And your doing it wrong. Jesus Facepalm.
  10. Failure to spell. Failure to read stickies. Mission failed over. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/Eroak/121467924631.jpg
  11. 2JZ-GE NA-T (Dont try it with a piggy back) 2JZ-GTE 1JZ-GTE 1UZ-FE You know the options, anything but the 7M.
  12. Igor

    FS LS block

    Yes, you would be correct. Bump. GLWS.
  13. That car is amazing.
  14. As wrong as that sounds. it will definitely work.
  15. Amount of fail in this thread is pegging my meters. http://chismetime.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/gaydar.jpg
  16. You'd be surprised as to how much abuse they can actually take.
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