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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Everyone but me has seen it apparently lmfao!! I have missed it 3 times now, FML. They aired that before even talking to me haha. Apparently they are going to send a film crew down this week as we get ready to head out. Its crazy how many stuffed animals we have already. We had a guy call one of our drop off locations today wanting to drop ship stuff from Cali. Donations have been sent from Texas and Florida as well. I really never thought I'd be taking several thousand stuffed animals to Connecticut with us. I figured we'd take a handful and that'd be it. If we end up being the way for people here in Ohio to send their condolences than so be it. This is our van as of an hour ago: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/305328_515411018479670_1122810796_n_zps40ddf1b6.jpg
  2. Reed leaving doesn't come as much of a suprise honestly. He was a suprise offer to most who ended up being converted to WR. The injury definitley didn't help him out any.
  3. 3 Michigan players kicked off the team from what I am reading. JT Floyd and Will Hagerup are 2 of the names I remember
  4. Also we are gonig to leave some sort of sign with the bears. Something to the effect of "From Ohio With Love", if someone wants to donate a Columbus Racing sticker I will make sure it gets on the sign. I am putting a Daddy Built Racing, Ohio G Club and Tuners and Bikes of Ohio sticker on it as well. This is an open invite to any/all car club that may be reading this
  5. Hey Ryan, I have a buddy in Columbus that is making the trip with us. He is able to meet up with any/all folks in the Columbus area. I will handle the other areas. We have seriously gathered over 500 bears already from the Newark community. Yesterday while I was out collecting a couple from a lady off Facebook, she informed me that there was a group downtown collecting bears for us. It was the first I had heard of this, so I headed down there to check it out. Low and behold there was adults and kids down there with homemade signs collecting stuffed animals for us. I stopped and introduced myself and was welcomed by all of them. I won't even lie, I had a tear in my eye as I saw just how wonderful the world can be in light of a tragedy such as this. It is unfortunate that an event like this has to happen in order for good to come from people. The local paper sent a photographer down since they apparently had caught wind of what was going on. The guy behind the lens wanted me to take a picture with all the bears, I told him I had no problem with that as long as everyone who was down there was in the picture with me. Last night I got a phone call from the local paper and did an over the phone interview with them which got printed in todays edition. Today I got word from 10tv that they want me to do an on air interview. I am sort of conflicted by this, I do not like to take credit for things even if I do them solely by myself. I made sure to give credit to everyone who stood out in the cold and didn't really have to. On the flipside if it means more people find a way to get their bears to Connecticut via us then I am all for it.
  6. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/486346_186386371498332_1369323457_n_zps7bf37402.jpg Walked away unharmed thanks to having a roll cage, enough said
  7. ^^ Well said! A small group of us is heading over to Connecticut on Friday (21st) to donate bears. Gonna take em to the local police department and have them despence them for us
  8. Andy just shoot me a text, im free all evening. Trying to get this all planned out amd figure up how much gas its gonna take us right now
  9. Many of you know that I along with some friends do the toy drive here in Newark called Cruise for Tots. Well, Cruise for Tots and Tuners and Bikes of Ohio are teaming up to collect as many Teddy Bears as possible to donate to the surviving victims of today's tragedy. We will be making the trip to Connecticut to deliver them in the coming days. If you are unable to donate a bear we will accept cash donations to purchase and help us deliver them with. We will accept used bears that are in good shape. Anyone who donates will recieve a Cruise for Tots sticker for free in exchange. Just wanted to throw this out there. Nick from Tuners and Bikes of Ohio lives in the Columbus area and is willing to meet up with folks there, I can meet people in the licking country area.
  10. I hate the news btw, they shouldn't post something until they know the facts. I have heard 2-30 people killed in last 5 minutes. I have read that the shooter was 20, he was the father of a student, there are 2 shooters, ect...
  11. Few things here: To every Parent, Aunt, Uncle, Grandma, Grandpa...when you go home tonight make sure you hug your child and appriciate the time you have with them. Home schooling doesn't stop you from being shot up in a mall or movie theater! Society as a whole is fucked and you can even see it on forums such as this self. The whole "trolling" or false online persona people carry believe it or not can set people over the edge. Think about that the next time you start to talk shit to someone or pick and poke fun of them outside of friendly bantering. Stop being so pissed off all the time, life is way too fucking short and we all end up in the same place (I don't want to start a religious battle so keep that shit to yourselves). If today has taught us anything at all, its that life can be lost at any point, any place and for no reason at all. Don't take the shit for granted and stop treating each other like total assholes.
  12. USC hands down. Not hard to land recruits when your sales pitch is: "Welcome to USC, here we offer a chance to play in the NFL, win a Heisman, a conference championship, a national championship. The weather is always sunny and warm and we have real life barbies walking around campus"
  13. I have always been intrigued by this but have never really attempted it outside of a basic wetsand/buffing. I wouldn't mind someone with more knowledge coming over one day and teaching me
  14. I read it was Sander's tutor who actually posted on Twitter and not him..
  15. Yeah that was an hr of my life i'll never get back
  16. His numbers were down a tad compared to last year but he was double teamed and held on nearly every single play. Same thing with John Simon, if you hae any games recorded go re-watch and see for yourself how many times those 2 were mugged by offensive lineman and didn't get the calls.
  17. Lmfao at the last part "I recorded this through a sheduled break". I was just about to post "bet we'll read in a week that he lost his job" until I saw that part, chances are they'll still fire him haha
  18. I'll have to rewatch it, I fast fowarded through the commercials lol.
  19. Its most likely a recap of the entire series showing highlights. Its not like OCC or PJD is going out of business. Actually the show has gone off the air before only to be brought back as Jr vs Sr. I am hoping it eventually comes back, I have nothing else to watch on Monday's. Please don't make me use that time to actually study for school.
  20. I haven't seen that one, I try to watch them all as I love history and conspiracy theories
  21. ^^ This! Jesse James is such a douche these days, "I don't care about anything" "I break rules", I think everything he says and the way he acts is fake as fuck. His bike is ugly and might not even run lol. PJD GMG OCC JJ It's a shame that tonight is the last episode of American Chopper, i've watched it since the first episode. I don't like the drama aspect of it, I like seeing the bikes created.
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