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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Phil PSU will not be going to a BCS game lets get that out in the open now. They will most likely be finishing 8-4 and heading to sometihng like the outback bowl. They play @ Nebraska, @Ohio State and then against Wisconsin. I do agree that now is the time for him to leave, it honestly should've been in 05 when they went to the Orange Bowl and beat Bobby Bowden's FSU team though.
  2. I just read that (thanks Phil for emailing me the PDF) and wow!! Having a son myself I know what I would do if he came home and told me some dude did that to him. I'd be sitting right next to him the entire time we was in prison together. I wouldn't kill him, but boy i'd make him wish he were dead. Slowly cutting off his genitals seems like fair punishment on top of a prison term. I don't think Joe Pa did anything wrong honestly, that report states he went the very next day and told his higher ups about it and they are the ones that pushed it to the side. Maybe Joe Pa felt they looked into it and didn't find anything worth while. Idk I am not Joe Paterno, but that could be the case here. Its the schools fault for allowing "Bircranium" (haha just kidding) this pedo to remain in the school with full access. In terms of football program this doesn't fall on them, in terms of school admins being pieces of shit, its all on them.
  3. Its about time that Joe Pa goes. It was either he retire or die on the sideline (before this shit came out), now its either retire or be forced out and have your legacy destroyed even more. Isn't it funny how some top college coaches go out and their legacy's kinda destroyed in the process Woody Hayes: Punches Clemson player and forced to resign Jim Tressell: Lies to his bosses and is forced out Joe Paterno: Knows about this shit and doesn't really do much to follow up on it, forced to retire I laugh at those that think PSU will get hit by the NCAA, this is not a lack of institutional control issue or anything of the sorts. This will not affect PSU in terms of losing schollies, bowl bans ect
  4. Thanks sir, haha 4.2 speed gaurds. No son didn't you know once they cross the mason-dixon line that turns into 5.2 speed. Also all the 5 star recruits he gets will turn into 4 stars and not even rated in the esec top 150, thats how it works now atleast
  5. Hey was just on the BET awards a couple weeks ago...so far 2 have died (Joe Frazier & Heavy D), whos gonna be the 3rd?
  6. Hey can someone copy and paste the grand jury documents and pm them to me? I am using my mother in laws computer and it won't open the link
  7. Haha thats just a rumor someone made up making fun of everyone who thought Urban bought a house in Upper Arlington. Like I said though it is a hot topic that Urban has intrest in the PSU job regardless of whats going on there right now. The NCAA is not going to do shit to them
  8. Phil from all reports I have read Paterno helped in covering this whole situation up, thats why ESEC is having a field day with him and everyone is calling for his retirement/firing. His legacy has been gone for a few years now, he is a laughing stock for damn near everyone. Nobody actually believes he still coaches do they? If so then damn you might wanna come out from under that rock you've been hiding beneath. The man shit himself against OSU (litterally) and from there on it was just 1 joke after another. Now I am reading reports of him being asleep in the press box during games, hell when he was on the sidelines he didn't wear a headset, what college football or NFL coach doesn't wear a headset to know what the hell is going on in the game? He had no idea where he was half the time yet he's held in such high regards. He was a great coach 20 years ago.. Not sure how much of the whole Paterno knew about this is true because I have read conflicting reports. Some say he was told about the allegations, others say he was not aware of them. Regardless its not a good look for PSU as a whole
  9. +1, he has been a mascot for the last 10 years or so, yet refuses to retire due to his own ego. The desire to be the winningest coach in cfb history has blinded him to the fact that his program is nowhere near what is used to be. Yes they are 8-1 currently, but thats about to become 8-4 very quickly as they end the season against real talent. They have not been able to land the recruits they once were simply because who wants to go to a school where your head coach could very well die right there on the field. If my son was 17-18 and deciding on what school to play at PSU wouldn't be in the top 25 places I would want him to go. That is before the rape allegations came out btw.
  10. I have always locked my doors and make my wife do the same. I think my reason for it is when I was in 7th grade we moved to the southside of columbus. My mom worked downtown and would take Parson's to get there. While at a redlight a guy jumped in her passenger side and said "hey blondie where we going", freaking the hell out my mom started screaming for help, a couple guys pulled the dude out of the car and my mom took off. Society is fucked and stories like these are the main reason I no longer read or watch the news. Its so damn depressing to actually sit there and read all the fucked up shit people do to one another
  11. Ha no shit!! Now the hot rumor is Urban Meyer to PSU if Paterno is fired. This has been a rumor for as long as him to tOSU has been, but now it could very well be a realistic destination for him. They get rid of the entire coaching staff and have nothing hanging over their heads from the NCAA vs OSU having unknown sanctions looming, plus the PSU job is not nearly as stressful as the Ohio State position. It'll be an interesting next couple of months for sure. I still don't buy the whole shit of Urban being announced at the Duke game, best part of that rumor was the date it was supposedly going to happen was wrong. Anyone with credibility would atleast know the right date for the Ohio State vs Duke game, wouldnt they?
  12. yeah at this point in time its still a rumor, but it seems to be gaining momentum.
  13. NY Times reporting Joe Pa is going to be fired, PSU canceled his weekly press conference today...not looking good at all for PSU.
  14. Yeah I wouldn't pay for it like I mentioned already and if not for my son I most likely wouldnt be getting autographs. To me it seems like something that a kid does, unless your getting them to resell.
  15. I am putting them all in my sons room. We are going to eventually change it over from being a nursery baby setting to a OSU theme. I have a few other players autographs and just think it'd be cool for him to have all these former Buckeye players autographs hanging around or chilling on shelves.
  16. Haha you're good man, I can only imagine the wait in the winter. I even mentioned as we sat there "thank god its not raining".
  17. Haha my point exactly, I wouldn't pay for an autograph. Now if it was like a babe ruth autographed ball then maybe, but thats about it.
  18. So I mentioned earlier that I am getting Mike Doss's autograph for my kid this weekend. Well Troy Smith is going to be signing up in Warren/Youngstown at their mall, they want $35 for small items and $45 for bigger ones, can you imagine people giving you $45 to sign something. I am in the wrong damn business, he signs 100 things thats atleast $3500, I imagine he could do 100 autographs in an hour or a little more then an hour lmfao.
  19. Did you see the BCS show last night when his kids kept poking their heads into the sight of the camera. It was funny as shit because he had no clue and it took Chris Fowler (believe it was fowler) to tell him that his kids were being shown. He laughed it off as he turned 20 shades of red.
  20. Sounds like one hell of a trip!! +1 for pics!
  21. pics would've most likely helped. I have been looking for a Festiva for a while now. My dad had one back in the 90s that he used as his work car, damn thing got close to 50mpg and never broke down on him. Plus you can do some cool swaps in these little bastards Youtube serach: Jay Leno Shogun
  22. QB is a hard ass position to play. Aside from having to make all the right calls and reads, your required to do that with several 250+lb men running full steam wanting to take your head off. I played qb for 1 series in practice in like 7th grade. It was at that point I realized I liked hitting more then I liked being hit. It didn't help I was like 5'2 120lbs in 7th grade lol. Pryor was a good quarterback, he is just hated for his off the field stuff and the selfish image that has been cast upon him by the media and fans. People were bitching that Braxton wasn't being played early on and I argued that he most likely wasn't ready in terms of the psychological stuff that goes along with the qb position. Same thing is being said right now about Ryan Shazier (linebacker for osu that everyone is demanding play), he looks good on special teams where his only job is run full speed and knock someones head off. No one but the coaches know how well the kid is in coverage or reading his keys. Fans only see the big shit on tv (highlight hits, interceptions, td's), but few have any idea about the small stuff that goes into making the big things possible.
  23. The call you hear in the huddle is telling the line what blocking scheme they are supposed to do, what route each reciever is supposed to run and to the back it tells who he is supposed to block if its a passing play or what play to run if its a running play. We used the same terminology in highschool, it sounds confusing but once you learn the language and understand the playbook it just falls into place. Hell we had the same type of calls on defense. Where it gets real tricky is when an audible is called Phil its been a hot rumor for the last couple weeks, I agree that Caldwell should get a chance but its a what have you done for me lately type league. They don't care if Manning is out, they are supposed to win regardless, its a business not a great place for job security lol. Manning is my favorite QB of all time as well, right behind him is Brett Favre and probablly Mike Vick. I was never a fan of guys like Elway or Marino for whatever reason. Lmfao @ Big game Bob, what a fucking joke. Yeah he's real clutch, for the other team!
  24. November 5th, Newport Aquarium (Kentucky) trip, dinner at Terry's Turf Club: The first time I heard of this place was about 5 years ago, it has taken me that long to finally ventured down there. I guess having a kid kind of gave me an excuse to finally make the trip. It was definitley worth the wait and the adventure. Admission is $22 dollars per adult, kids 2-12 are $12 and kids 2 and under are free as are veterns. We was able to find coupons online that made admission for adults $20, so saved $4 bucks lol. The first thing we did when we entered was head towards the gift shop. The main lobby area was crowded with Boy Scouts and the Aquarium wasn't open quite yet so we figured might as well get this out of the way. We found a patch for my son (not sure if I mentioned this already but he has a patch blanket with souvenir patches from everywhere he's been). There was a ton of things in this gift shop and honestly probablly the biggest gift shop I have seen from all the places we have been to. It wasn't overly expensive and we made off by only spending $3 lol. Once we was done with the gift shop the aquarium was ready to be explored. You take an escelator down stairs (if you bring a stroller you have to take the elevator). Upon entering the downstaris area you are stopped by a guy wanting to take a picture of you by the Shark that has "Newport Aquarium" in his mouth. From there it is nothing but awesomeness. The exhibits are big, clean and filled with aquatic life. There are spots in the flood that are plexy glass in which you walk over and can see sharks swimming below you. My son wasn't so sure of this at first but with a little coaxing from his grandpa he was over that fear quickly. The coolest part of the aquarium was the tunnels. There are sharks swimming beside you and above you, its really cool. Of course there are touch tanks and like a champ my kid had to touch everything including rays, crabs and sharks. The penguins at the aquarium are the biggest ones I have ever seen and they know how to put on a show. I would have to say that the Penguins were a close 2nd behind the sharks as my favorite things to see, right behind them would be the baby gators. There is an area that houses different types of frogs which is pretty cool. It has a playground in the middle of it as well. After that you head into an area that has otters and birds. The birds fly around freely, let me give you a warning, heads up! Ask me how I know, damn bird pissed on me lmfao, luckily they have stuff to clean you up with and thank god it only hit my hand and not my head!! It took us just a little over an hour to walk through the aquarium and that was with us taking our time. It wasn't overly crowded and I didn't feel rushed looking at any of the animals. I would give the aquarium a 10 out of 10! After the aquarium we headed back outside to the Newport on the Levee to figure out what we wanted to do since it was only 11am and we had planned on it taking longer to get through the aquarium. I had read about there being a Freedom Bell in Newport so I asked a worker where it was exactly. It is litterally 2mins away from the Levee, so we headed over there to check it out. It was a sight to see as its by far the biggest bell I have ever saw lol. There was also a monument deticated to fire fighters right next to it. As we stood there our stomaches started rumbling and that only meant one thing, lunch time!! I had a couple places in mind as to where I wanted to eat, so we talked about it and headed back over to Cincinnati to try The Montgomery Inn, however to our dismay it was actually closed until 3pm. There was no way in hell my hunger was going to wait til 3pm to be satisfied. So we headed to our 2nd choice which was Terry's Turf Club. Upon arriving to Terry's I knew this place was something special. The building they use is apparently an old Neon Light company building that went out of business. It isn't in the best looking part of Cincinnati, but judging by the cars sitting there you can tell it must have good food. There was an Audi R8, 2 Cadilac Escalades, a couple Mercedes among others. Now if you plan on eating here you should be warned that you will be waiting. We was told 20mins but it turned into an hour and 20mins real quckly. Once we got inside it was jam packed and pretty small. There is a bar, but it was filled with people eating as well. Now if you're taking a small child as we had with us be prepared to let them sit on your lap. They do not have high chairs or booster seats! The food made up for that though!! The bugers were absolutely amazing and weight 1/2lb each. There is only 6 or 7 items on the menu, my wife got a BLT that she couldn't finish and we split an order of fries between me, her and our son. I had no problem finishing off my burger, however my mother in law and brother in laws gf couldn't finish theirs haha. For me and my wife we paid $24 to eat (our son ate some of my wifes food along with sampling everyones burgers) Overall we spent less then $50 bucks for the entire trip (didn't have to pay for gas in vehicle), thats not bad for a family of 3. The Aquarium: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111115.jpg Lobby Area: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111006.jpg Sharks: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111054b.jpg 1 right above me: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111055.jpg Tunnel: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111047.jpg Penguins: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111101.jpg Cool Jelly Fish: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111051.jpg View from the Levee of Cincy: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111123.jpg The Bell: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111140.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111142a.jpg Firefighter Monument: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111142.jpg Terry's Turf Club: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111220.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/PART951320515915273.jpg Couple of the cars outside: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/1105111229a.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Newport%20Aquarium%20November%205th/PART951320515864688_2.jpg http://www.newportaquarium.com/ http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/32/363284/restaurant/East-End-Mount-Washington/Terrys-Turf-Club-Cincinnati Next trip on the agenda is the Air Force Museum in Dayton with a stop at Rudy's BBQ in Springfield for dinner.
  25. Ended up at Terry's Turf Club. The place was awesome as was the food. Check my travel thread in the pic section for more pics/info. BTW Montgomery Inn was closed til 3pm on Saturday
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