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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. We went to eat with a couple other friends, one of which is my buddies gf who is a ND fan. They didn't go to the game though. She catches shit from all of us when we get together as she is the only non-osu fan there.
  2. October 29th, Ohio State vs Wisconsin football game My buddy Nate has never been to an actual game, several spring games have been had by him, but none that really counted. I have been telling him for years that we had to get him to an actual game, so this year we did something about that. We purchased tickets to the Wisconsin game earlier this year hoping that it would be a night game, luckily for us it turned out to be a night game. There have only been 10 night games at Ohio Stadium and now I can say I have been to 2 of them (the other being Penn State in 08). Before the game we headed down South High St to The Ohio Deli for some good eats. I am a fanatic of Man vs Food and have heard/saw of this montrosity known as "The Dagwood". 2 1/2 lbs of meat between 2 giant ass pieces of bread and a huge side of fries. My mission was to beat this challenge and get my picture on the wall, sadly I failed by a bite, litterally. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Wisconsin%20game%20October%2029th%202010/OhioDeli.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Wisconsin%20game%20October%2029th%202010/TheDagwod.jpg My defeat: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Wisconsin%20game%20October%2029th%202010/mydefeat.jpg After over filling our bellies we headed back to campus to my buddies house to drop the car off and walk over towards the game. I have never been to a skull session and wanted to help make this whole trip memorable for my buddy, so we walked over to St. Johns Arena. This was his first time ever being inside St Johns Arena and has a fear of heights, for those that have never been there it feels like your going to fall out of the stands and onto the court below you haha. Anyways skull session was pretty cool, the marching band is there along with the team. A couple of the captains give a little pep talk before Fickell steps up and delivers a speech to get the crowd hyped. Once they left the band took over and rocked the house. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Wisconsin%20game%20October%2029th%202010/skullsession.jpg Wanting to soak in more of the game day expierence we left skull session early and ventured back over to the stadium. Walked around through all the tailgating areas to take a whiff of the great smells coming off grills. With an hour to go until gametime we headed in to the stadium to get our bathroom needs out of the way and to find our seats. Our seats were awesome, section 7a, row 17!! The people around us were awesome as well, its funny how random strangers become best friends for 3 hours. The game its self was one of the most "epic" (I hate that word but fuck it) ones that I have ever witnessed. My voice is gone, my throat is sore and I am beat up from the people in the stands using me as their support while jumping around all over the place. Once the game was over, we along with 105k others rushed the field. My buddy Nate and I stopped to soak it all in before taking pics of us doing random poses in various locations of the field. I dont have any of the posing pics as they are on his camera, but should have them later today. The trip far exceeded my expectations as not only did OSU win, but we ended up down on the field celebrating our asses off!! http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Wisconsin%20game%20October%2029th%202010/ourview.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Wisconsin%20game%20October%2029th%202010/rushthefield.jpg
  3. We have never been so I am hoping its as awesome as the pics look.
  4. Went to Ohio Deli, Skull Session and the OSU game yesterday. Next weekend is Newport Aquarium. I will update my thread in the pic section later today once my buddy loads up the pics from last night.
  5. I have no voice from being at the game last night. It was the best game I have ever been to. I am waiting on my buddy to get back home to Warren for him to load up the pics of us down on the field after everyone including us rushed it. I still do not think we are a better team then Wisconsin, but I will take the win. I do not see a way they announce Urban as the coach now, I never thought he was coming here to begin with. If Fickell leads this team to the B10 championship game, wins that and goes to the Rose Bowl, how the fuck do you explain to recruits that a BCS game just wasn't good enough for him to keep his job. It was so funny being up in the stands, everyone was yelling either Draw or QB keeper before each and every play. I dont think a pass has hung in the air longer then that TD pass did. It seemed like an eternity for the damn thing to finally hit Devin Smiths hands. The defense is flat out nasty, scary thing is they only lose 1 starter and that is Andrew Sweat, rumor is Nathan Williams is going to get a medical redshirt and come back next year. You wanna talk about a dominant defense. How about Clemson going down to Gerogia Tech and Stanford needing 3 OT's in order to beat USC
  6. Umm you reposted the pic I posted... I drive a 01 Ram as my daily and feel more cramped for comfort in that thing then I do my Integra. Now I will say at the drag strip with a helmet on I am not very comfortable, but I wouldn't be comfortable in any car with a helmet on. I make it work though
  7. He has definitley had his run in's with the law that is for sure. Straying off topic but staying on it at the same time I just met Clark Kellog (former OSU basketball player) at Dicks here in Heath. Must be the weekend for Dicks lol. Gonna meet Evan Turner tomorrow. I have a white OSU basketball that I am getting signatures put on for my son. Yeah I am a tall guy, I wasn't this big until about age 17, at one point in time I was normal height lol.
  8. Btw pics of said twin lol. I'm a pretty goofy looking guy but even more so with my cancer looking hair cut
  9. We just have 1 kid, our little boy. Well not so little 17 months old and damn near 3ft tall haha. He doesn't stand a chance in hell of being short. Wifes brothers are 6'2 300, 6'5 and youngest one is 6'3-6'4 (17 years old)
  10. I didn't get an autograph, I didn't want to be that guy that hounded for an autograph even though he was signing them left and right. I feel a picture was enough to suffice. He did invite all of us out to dinner afterwards, but again we didn't want to be pest so we went to a different place to eat.
  11. I'm glad you check out guys "cuz", my homo meter is off the charts after your post. Lol Patterson you just need to build a taller garage, not my fault im 6'6-6'7ish. The barber went a little low with the hair so not only may I have aids after standing next to Andy, I currently look like it.
  12. Haha yeah, everyone laughed. Heres some pics, a few students got him and the director/co star to do the OHIO thingy http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/ohio.jpg My wife with Andy and Marshall http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/wifeandandy.jpg Me and Andy http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/meandandy.jpg
  13. Andy and a guy named Marshall Cook came to OSU-N(ewark) tonight to show their new film "Division 3". Its a fooball movies about a division 3 school, hence the title. First off this movie is fucking hillarious, I don't think I stopped laughing the entire time. After the movie they did a Q&A session and was open to answer anything tossed their way. That was pretty entertaining. Afterwards they did a meet and greet, I was suprised how friendly Andy Dick is. Its amazing how someone acts when they are sober. Got a few pics taken with him, he looked up at me (I tower him), and was like "well hello" lmfao. Basically this movie comes out on deman Nov 18th and I sugest watching it. That is all, cool story huh?!
  14. Yeah that supra was less then impressive. The color on that GTR is absolutey pure sex, is that a factory color (don't know a ton about em).
  15. While thats a good idea, I just don't see many posters on here going along with it. With a motorcycle forum its a little easier, as every bike rider I know has been all over the place on their motorcycle. Its a little cheaper on gas to go jump on the bike and venture 200 miles away.
  16. Hmm...i'll just wait and see what this thing runs on track day then I guess. What turbo?
  17. so 308hp? If so you better crank the boost up lol
  18. Haha it was pretty damn close, although it prob is photoshopped because there was a group of Penn State fans in the lower left hand corner (flag pole side) all wearing white. Here are some pics from the actual game: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/OSU%20vs%20Penn%20St/24.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/OSU%20vs%20Penn%20St/27.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/OSU%20vs%20Penn%20St/9.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/OSU%20vs%20Penn%20St/21.jpg
  19. Ah that sucks. I am actually going to have that picture blown up and do a commemrative picture thingy with it. Put my ticket under the picture and put the score up or something. hard to explain but easy to see in my head lol. Hopefully I can snap a couple sweet pictures saturday night. I am wanting to do a man cave once we buy a house and have it done up in Ohio State stuff.
  20. We're walking over to the stadium as well, my buddy lives on Kenny so we just park the car there. I totally agree that night games are way different feeling then day games. The weather is supposed to be partly cloudy, high of 49...yikes lol. Gonna be a cold one. BTW this is another "red out" so make sure your wearing some red. I found a badass picture from the 08 Penn State game, it made me a little giddy thinking about saturday http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/osuredout.jpg
  21. I see, interested in hearing more about the setup before I pass judgment
  22. What does this said stock honda rusted out pos have in it, it had better be something ridiculous considering the ammount of shit being talked about it.
  23. 7A Row 17, this is my buddies first actual game. He has been to several spring games but no actualy season games. I had an extra ticket to the Purdue game a couple years back, called him numerous times to see if he wanted to go, never answered. Was sitting at the game around halftime and he calls pissed cause he didnt feel his phone vibrating lol. We're gonna make it an all day expierence, gonna go to Ohio Deli for lunch, walk over to mirror lake because he has never seen it, then to the Skull session before the game, over through Buckeye Grove and then to the game.
  24. What section are you in, I am in 7A. I have only been to 1 game where they lossed and that was 08 Penn State, not bad considering the ammount of games I have been to
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