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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Haha yeah the stache is ridiculous. Its taken on a life of its own, our highschool (Newark) was selling T-Shirts that said "Derek (The Stache) Holland" and fake mustaches. I guess him and a few other friends started growing them as a joke, his is by far the worst looking.
  2. Oh forgot to mention my buddy Derek Holland, he just happened to throw a 2 hitter in the world series last night lol
  3. Ah ok I mustve just read their schedule wrong. I do agree that a 0 loss league champion will most likely get in over an undefeated Boise team, but its politics really. The BCS and NCAA does not want to see this little school from Idaho beating up on the big boys in the National Championship game lol. I think Stanford loses to Oregon, the big12 is going to knock each other off so they'll be gone and Clemson has to win out which will be hard. I would love to have Tahj Boyd here at tOSU right now
  4. Everyone seems to think that LSU/Bama would be a rematch in the NCG over Boise. However anyone remember 06 when #1 vs #2 OSU/Michigan ended up a classic game of the decade? Yet Michigan didn't get their rematch shot (wish they would've lol). I just don't see 2 teams from the same conference playing in the NCG. The dark horse in my opinions are Clemson and Stanford, they both have winable schedules to finish the year. Stanford has USC and Oregon and Pac12 championship game to get through and Clemson only has Florida State and the ACC championship game
  5. KiJana Carter was a monster at Penn State, he tore his knee up IIRC and didnt last long in the league. Then again he did get drafted by the Bengals and back then they were destroying everyones careers. I have a football card of his that is a pre-draft card and the funny thing about it is they have him in a Jaguars uniform, can we say mis-print? If only he would've ended up being great that card might actually be worth something. Andy Katzenmoyer was a monster for tOSU. There is 1 play that stands out in my mind and that is his hit against the Missouri qb. He flat out destroyed that guy, go to youtube and look it up. Last time I heard/saw him was at a Newark game, he was coaching for Westerville South (that team was pretty good too, had Rocco Pentello and BJ Cunningham)
  6. I lettered in 3 sports while in highschool, had offers from a lot of MAC schools and Iowa State for footbal, caught mono senior year, the rest is history. As for those that I played against, well that list is pretty decent Brady Quinn Dublin Coffman: Stud at ND, 1st round pick in the NFL. Hasn't really panned out in the league. Chinedum Ndukwe Dublin Coffman: He was Quinns all state WR, went on to play with him at ND but switched to Safety. Played for the Bengals now for the Raiders Adam Kadella Dublin Coffman: Played on the same team as the previously 2 mentioned (was a year or 2 younger then them). Was a captain for Northwestern, not sure what happened after his playing days at Northwestern. George Cooper Westerville North: This dude was fucking huge lining up against. He was litterally 6'5 260 in highschool and cock diesle. Went on to play for Georgia Tech, after doing a wikipedia search it appears he bounced around with the Lions and Falcolns practice squads. Bobby Carpenter Lancaster: 2 words Man Child! This dude was a fucking freak to play against. I litterally watched him attempt to walk on a broken leg against us. This dude hit me the hardest I have ever been hit while going across the middle on a slant, then laughed at me lol. Obviously went to tOSU and started there. I think he has finally found a home in Detroit after bouncing around and being out of the league for a while. Tim Shafer Upper Arlington: Went on to play and start on the offensive line at tOSU We played against a few other kids that went to big time schools, their names are just elluding me at the moment. Ah reliving the glory days lmfao
  7. I sure hope not, this team would get embarrassed by any of the top 10 teams. 3.1, whats wrong with Boise moving up lol, I am pumped that they will most likely end up in the NCG. Just need Oklahoma to beat Oklahoma State and Kansas St to lose a game. BTW I think it'll be LSU facing Boise
  8. Lmfao!!!! If Michigan State beats Nebraska next week I will officially be eating crow about my previous statement on being fools gold. That'd be a pretty impressive streak of victories, 3 vs top 15 teams in a row.
  9. Lol yeah, i'd love to have a reason to rush the field on saturday but sadly I think i'll be busy weeping as OSU gets ass pounded. I know you read the scout board, there are some real fucking idiots over there. Wisconsin loses and suddenly OSU is the team to beat, like their some great team due to having a bye week and not losing a game lol
  10. I love how all of a sudden every Buckeye fan thinks they are worthy of being in the conference championship game. We're not a good team at all!!!! Bicranium, look at all those things you just listed and think about that for a second, it took all those things to go wrong for MSU to beat Wisconsin. MSU is a much better team then tOSU is, tOSU will not beat Wisconsin next week.
  11. Well I've never been there so we're going lol
  12. Umm Wisconsin is going to come in here and bitch slap OSU. Michigan State is on a pretty good roll right now I must admit. They have beat tOSU, Michigan and now Wisky in 3 weeks time. How about Oklahoma getting bitch smacked, Big Game Bob is striking again
  13. Yeah he wasn't with us today, he spent some quality time with his grandman (my mom). Next weekend is a trip to Columbus for lunch at Ohio Deli and then the OSU game vs Wisconsin that night.
  14. Kings Island...turned into Kentucky trip: Today we headed down south for some good ole fashioned thrill seeking at Kings Island. We got to the park right as they opened up and was off and running. The first ride we hit up was The Diamondback, we expected a long line but was pleasantly suprised by only having to wait 10 minutes to ride it. After that we just made our way around the park and hit every ride that we wanted to. After 2hrs we had ridden 5 rides with the longest line being for The Flight of fear (inside ride, 45mins). Now here is where this trip went south. I am a big guy for those that don't know me (6'6 280) and I know where I have to sit on certain rides from previous expierences. Well on the flight of fear I have to sit in the front seat due to it having a little more leg room. I explain to the worker that I have to sit in the front seat, she tells me that there is already a line and I couldn't sit up there. I again explain to her that I don't fit in the other seats comfortably and would be willing to wait as I wasn't in a rush. That doesn't seem to matter to her as she tells me to get in a regular seat. So I go ahead and get in a regular seat and sit there waiting on them to come get the lap bar down over me hoping that another worker would see that I was not very comfortable and would hopefully allow me to ride up front...no such luck. Instead they smashed down on the bar a few times before locking it into place with me looking like a sardine. This is my favorite ride at the park, but at this point I was just ready for it to be over with. It was the most uncomfortable I have ever been on a roller coaster and the most pissed I have ever been at a worker. That was the breaking point for our group, as we headed out to the car for lunch we joked about leaving and just going into Cincy/Kentucky and walking around. I was not opposed to this, so after eating and discussing it thats exactly what we did! Now before I get to the Cincy/Kentucky part of this entry I would like to take some time to give more details about the rides incase people reading this have never been there. The Diamond Back- 8/10, the best part is the first drop (215ft) and the 80mph speed. The lines are usually long but today we waited 10 minutes. The Crypt- 6/10, this used to be called the Tomb Raider and is indoors. You sit 25 people wide and go up about 75ft and do a couple flips. Not very exciting, but still fun. Line was 2mins for this lol The Beast- 10/10, my rating might be a little biased as this along with flight of fear are my favorite rides at the park. Over 1 mile of wooden roller coaster that at times feels faster then the Diamondback. The best part is going through the tunnels and thinking your head is going to smack against the wall. The Vortex- 4/10, I will never ride this ride again. I simply do not remember it being so damn rough on your body. Its a metal coaster that is very jerky add to that a series of flips and you'll come off this ride with one hell of a headache. Flight of Fear- 8/10, would get a 10/10 but I am pissed at the workers lol. The best part of this ride is the fact that its inside and you have no idea when your going upside down, left or right plus it hauls ass. Flight Deck- 9/10, would be a 10/10 but its really short. This used to be what was called The X Flight when 6 Flags was open here in Ohio. You start off on your back and climb the hill, at the top of the hill you are flipped over on to your stomach and ride the ride in this position the rest of the way. Its a very cool feeling. Now on to the Cincy/Kentucky trip.... We got into Cincy and drove around the ball parks (Reds and Bengals), while doing this we encountered a cross dresser walking down the road wearing a bikini top and what I would call assless chaps? I swear we drove by this dude 3 times trying to get a pic without being obvious, needless to say we didn't get a pic lol. It was by far one of the funniest things I have ever seen in person lol. After that we went and parked the car and walked along the river, they have a bridge called "The Purple People" bridge that essentially allows you to walk from Ohio into Kentucky. Once we crossed over into Kentucky we was at Newport on the Levee. This reminded me of Easton here in Columbus, the stores and restraunts were of the nature in which Easton's are. There wasn't really much to do to be honest, but the view was pretty cool. This is the view over a bridge on 71s heading towards Kings Island, the trees appear to be 100 ft below you, gives you an idea of how high the damn bridge is: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/71.jpg The Diamondback (sorry its not the best pic, sunlight was horrible for picture taking with a cell phone lol): http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/diamondback.jpg Cincy/Kentucky Pics: The Purple People Bridge: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/bridge4.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/bridge.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/bridge3.jpg
  15. You don't realize how old a lot of these guys are until you look it up lol Sting- 52 Kevin Nash- 52 Scott Steiner- 49 Ric Flair- 62 Hulk Hogan- 58 Lex Luger- 53 Mick Foley- 46 The Undertaker- 46 Stone Cold- 46 Whats even more alarming is the number of wrestlers that have died in their 40s. ""An alarming number of performers from 1991's Wrestlemania VII are now dead." The Yahoo! Sports article notes that over 25 percent of the performers from Wrestlemania VII have died prematurely (14 deceased of 51 total), with many of the deaths being attributed to drug use. The article forgot to list Sensational Sherri, who died of a drug overdose at the age of 49", On a funny note, while looking this stuff up I came across an article about Brock Lesnar and Rena Mero (Sable) having their second kid. Their sons names are Turk and Duke....someone likes video games lol
  16. Yeah lol and Tebow went off for his best passing statistic game ever! The final score of that game was 51-24 "Tebow threw for a career-high 482 yards and three touchdowns, ran for 51 yards and another score, and fifth-ranked Florida overwhelmed No. 4 Cincinnati 51-24 Friday night in the Sugar Bowl." He was 31 of 35 with 3 TDS passing and another one rushing lol. Basically he put on a clinic against UC's defense. Thats the same year OSU beat Oregon in the Rose Bowl...
  17. Haha yeah, I remember when UC was having a good year and won the Big East all I heard was how they would beat tOSU lol, that wouldn't have happened. I wish Cincy would be consitantly decent in football so OSU could have an instate rivalry, but I do not see that happening.
  18. Has anyone watched Transformers? That was a GM promo for the most part lol.
  19. Urban is the saviour, he will crush the SEC, you didn't get the memo? These are the type of things I have been reading and hearing from fellow Buckeye fans. Its part of the reason I am so anti-Urban currently lol.
  20. I am anti hype and thats what Braxton and Urban bring to the OSU program. Braxton was talked about by everyone and their brother to be better then Pryor, well so far he is not better then most highschool qb's. Throws a terrible looking ball that they blamed on the ball, switched balls and still throws ugly ass passes. Whats the next excuse? Urban will be expected to win a national championship every year, when he fails to do that he'll be ran out of town and the excuses will pour in from the fans as to why he didn't win one. Those are my issues with Braxton and Urban, its not a personal dislike for them, its a fans perspective of them being over hyped. Like you and I both said, Nevada is right about 80% of the time, I am not disputing he is right more then any other poster that I know of on the football forums. I however know he has whiffed big time on several occasions. If he is right, great, if he is wrong, great, I will make a bold prediction right now, OSU will play football next year regardless of who the head coach is. Looks like I am going to be 100% right on my predictions haha.
  21. I will say this, man it must've been nice being a Florida Gator player. You commit a crime and the charges will be dropped lol. Look at all these arrest and how many of them had the charges dropped. I find it odd that so many people could be arrested from 1 team and basically all get away with it lol. http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/sports_college_uf/2009/06/janoris-jenkinscharge-misdemeanor-affray-and-resisting-arrest-without-violence-for-his-role-in-a-may-30-fight-outside-a-down.html OSU fans and alumni were blaming this current mess on Tressell and tOSU not recruiting character type guys, if you think Tress didn't recruit good character players, what the hell do you think they'll think of Urbans recruits.
  22. You mean the Clarrett guy that did this shit a couple years after leaving tOSU? Berry got caught for a felony? Dukes wan an idiot so you got 1 vs 24... Could've very well been 3 NC's lol. What happens when Urban fails to delive a NC? Thats one of my biggest concerns about hiring him, the expectations will be through the roof, if he doesn't produce in 3 years he'll quit due to health concerns, or Braxton graduating lol
  23. Apparently he and his son are back to non speaking terms, really sad. I too grew up watching and loving pro wrestling. From time to time I will be flipping through channels and stop to watch it for a few. Its definitley not the same as it used to be which sucks.
  24. Umm he never had a heart attack... "Meyer admitted that he had suffered frequent chest pains (later discovered to be caused by esophageal spasms) and occasional severe headaches due to an arachnoid cyst for years, and that they were related to stress" Far from a heart attack, more like couldn't take the stress that was assosiated with coaching at Florida. Like I said if he thought that job was stressful wait til he takes the OSU job. If the man was healty and didn't have a track record of bailing when star players leave I wouldn't mind him. Not to mention he had more players arrested during his tenure at Florida then any other school in the country, we're not talking free tattoos and over paid for work, we're talking felonies. I find it funny that he took the Florida job when they was recruiting Tim Tebow, now OSU has Braxton Miller and he wants the job (you can hear him drooling over Braxton on tv). Braxton will graduate and Urban will leave lol.
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