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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I guess I am blilnd because I don't like powder looking sluts. I didn't say this chick was super hot, but she'd still get it
  2. I guess if you're into the whole "I cut myself just to watch it bleed" type looking girl lol. Not my style, not into tatted up girls with pale skin
  3. Lmfao I love how everyone is claiming this girl is nasty blah blah blah, then I see the other sluts people post and wonder WTF? I mean we have people that think the Suicide girls are hot, those are some skank bitches. I didnt say this chick was the hottest thing since sliced bread, but she's hotter then 75% of the other whores posted on this forum lol. Oh well to each their own I guess. I'd hit it if I was 17, mainly due to the body, face could be a lot better, I will give you that lol
  4. Today we ventured down to Hocking Hills, mainly Old Mans Cave and Ash Cave to check out the secenery. If you have never been there then you are missing out. I give this a 10 out of 10 just becasue of the pure beauty that nature has produced. I seriously wanted to take pictures of everything. The trails are easy to walk, the park is very clean (few assholes left trash behind) and the drive there from Columbus is just a little bit over an hr. On the way back we stoped at Ye Old Dutchmen for some lunch, let me tell you it was amazing. If you don't know what it is, it's an Amish buffet. After 2 plates I was stuffed, we stopped in their gift shop and picked something out for our son as well. After that we was heading up 33 and stopped at a flea market, it was pretty cool actually. There was so much old nostalgia that I really have no need for, but wanted it all haha. Again I highly reccomend this and give it a 10/10. Next week is the Columbus Zoo and Black Hand Gorge or Dawes Arboretum. For now here's some pics from Old Mans Cave Random pictures of signs at Old Mans Cave 1. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Hocking%20Hills%20October%202nd%202011/12.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Hocking%20Hills%20October%202nd%202011/13.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Hocking%20Hills%20October%202nd%202011/14.jpg They call this "The Devils Bathtub": 2. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Hocking%20Hills%20October%202nd%202011/20.jpg Waterfalls: 3. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Hocking%20Hills%20October%202nd%202011/45.jpg
  5. I was never sold on Braxton and I do not think he'll be the next great thing here at tOSU. I would venture to say that in 2-3 years people will be rushing him out the door and hyping up the next great one
  6. Courtney Stodden is a 16 year old made famous by marrying a 51 year old actor (dude played Percey in Green Mile). Other then that she's an aspiring country singer who has bigger boobs then hits, but my she is nice to look at, I mean that in a "if only I was 17" sort of way http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/courtney_stodden_bikini_photos#tab=most_recent
  7. a girl in my comp class last fall wrote a paper on the exotic pet law. I know it includes big cats
  8. Hey Justin (just2sweet) your boy Driskle is in, btw wtf is up with Floridas running game, its almost as bad as OSU's throwing game lol
  9. Google is your friend "Ohio's Exotic Animal Law simply states that it is illegal for anyone to bring a non-domestic or exotic animal into the state without the proper permits, a health certificate for each animal and a certificate from a veterinarian stating that the animal has been inspected. This law also states that anyone who wishes to possess a non-domestic or exotic animal in the state will not need a permit to do so, only to have them imported into the state. Ohio administrative code §901: 1-17-12 is the exotic animal law responsible for possession of exotic animals within the State of Ohio. This law states that inorder for a non-domestic or exotic animal to be legally imported into the State of Ohio all rules and regulations, both state and federal, must be followed and that the animal or animals in question must be free from any contagious or infectious parasites or diseases that can be transmitted and are harmful to other animals or humans. Three factors must be met inorder for exotic animals to be legally imported into Ohio according to this law. These are that each animal must have a veterinary inspection certificate and an entry permit, that each animal that has tested negative, but has been exposed to an animal that tested positive for certain diseases be allowed into Ohio only after the chief of the division of animal husbandry has granted permission to do so and with a letter of consent from the consignee. The last factor to importing a non-domestic or exotic animal into the State of Ohio is that the animal must have documentation accompanying it that proves that it was a legal resident of the state or country of its origin. This documentation can be the appropriate state and federal license numbers or permits or a veterinarian inspection certificate tenure status." http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/946393/ohios_exotic_animal_law.html
  10. The only thing above average on this years team is the Defense (mainly John Simon) and the punter lol
  11. Nebraska will beat PSU and Michigan easily, neither of those 2 teams are even close to the level that Wisky is
  12. Well I got the Auburn pick right, Arkansas should've won, Florida is playing Bama right now and its close and Clemson is walking away from Va Tech
  13. No I think he was saying he wished that the sanction were announced already just so a head coach would knwo what he's walking into. Like I said the sad thing is, this is pretty much the same exact team that you'll be seeing next year minus 3 starting offensive linemen. I dont see Braxton getting much better, and if he is better it wont be good enough to win the league title. He really is piss poor and I have been saying this since he was being hyped up in highschool. I wish I could talk shit face to face to all the people that said he was better then Pryor at this stage in their careers, they aren't even fucking close! Devier and Philly won't change the inept offense, you need a qb that can get them the ball and a line that can stop the qb from being de-headed. If you think Michigan St's defense had a field day today, just wait til Nebraska and Wisky get a crack at em. Today we saw a few kids that either didnt get offered by OSU or got offered and went elsewhere come back to bite us in the ass. MSU has BJ Cunningham from Westerville, the LB for them was from Ohio and then Vernon Gholston's cousin snubbed OSU and all 3 had big days. The one positive I saw today was the defense played their asses off and kept the game close. Too bad they can't play offense!! The young DB's are starting to look good, Roby had a big day. I don't see this team progressing a whole lot as the season goes, this is nothing like when Troy Smith was young so plese don't give me that load of shit anymore. After what I saw today I think I would rather have Steve Bellesari as the starting QB right now, atleast he was entertaining while losing lol.
  14. $200 total lol, they are pending locally. I will let everyone know if they don't end up selling. I have seen crazier too, hell someone had Wisconsin tix on CL for $300 a piece in B deck. I would never pay $300 to go to a football game, IDC if its the super bowl
  15. 99-00 6-6 no bowl game 00-01 8-4 (Tressells first year)
  16. Headed up to Ontario (roughly 10mins away) and stop at Johnny Biggs. Now this was the first time any of us had ever ate there, but I was aware of a little thing they call The Bigg Boss Challenge. Let me tell you, it definitley lived up to its name. Four 1/2lb pattys, lettuce, tomator, pickle, onion, oh yeah 2 grilled cheese sandwhiches tossed in there and 1lb of fries make up the challenge. The best part, you have 20minute in which you can do it. Game on, or so I thought haha. I attempted the challenge in which only 6 people have ever finished. Unfortunately I was not number 7 lol. I did pretty well though, I had 1 patty and a handful of fries left after 20minutes, for that I got a t-shirt. Unfortunately I had to pay $25 for my meal since I failed...oh well atleast I tried. Before attempting the challenge the manager brought out a waiver that I had to sign, stating that I would not sue them should I have a heart attack after trying this, that was comforting haha. 1. The Big Boss Challenge Burger: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/11-1.jpg 2. What I had left: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/9-1.jpg 3. The waiver I had to sign: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/waiver-1.jpg
  17. Not sure if me continuously posting pics in this thread is going to be an issue or not. If so let me know and i'll remake a thread in the pic section. The journey continues, this time stopping in Mansfield and then Ontario. We went to Mansfield to The Richland Park Carosuel located right in downtown mansfield (corner of 4th and Main). The Carosuel is inside of a building, which was nice given todays rainy weather. They had a gift shop in which we stopped and picked up a patch for our son ($2.50). We had a friend of ours with us as well who was originally only going for the 2nd part of the trip, but ended up enjoying the carosuel. Tickets were .75 individually, or you could buy more and save a little money. We bought 9 for 5.75 (saved .25 lol). Kids under 2 ride for free!! The carosuel ride lasted atleast 3minutes per ride and was suprisingly pretty quick moving. There wasn't a whole lot of people there so it was get on, get off, get back on. Total ammount spent: $8.25!! I would give the carosuel a 9/10 rating. It made me feel like a 5 year old kid again and my son absolutely loved it. 1. Welcoming sign on the side of an old mill http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/welcometomansfield-1.jpg 2. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/7.jpg 3. The Richland Park Carosuel: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/5.jpg 4. The carosuel its self: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/3-1.jpg 5. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/4-1.jpg 6. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/10-1.jpg 7. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/1-2.jpg 8. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/2-1.jpg 9. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/2-1.jpg Now on to stop #2 for today. After riding the carosuel we was all hungry and had already decided to head up to Ontario (roughly 10mins away) and stop at Johnny Biggs. Now this was the first time any of us had ever ate there, but I was aware of a little thing they call The Bigg Boss Challenge. Let me tell you, it definitley lived up to its name. Four 1/2lb pattys, lettuce, tomator, pickle, onion, oh yeah 2 grilled cheese sandwhiches tossed in there and 1lb of fries make up the challenge. The best part, you have 20minute in which you can do it. Game on, or so I thought haha. I attempted the challenge in which only 6 people have ever finished. Unfortunately I was not number 7 lol. I did pretty well though, I had 1 patty and a handful of fries left after 20minutes, for that I got a t-shirt. Unfortunately I had to pay $25 for my meal since I failed...oh well atleast I tried. Before attempting the challenge the manager brought out a waiver that I had to sign, stating that I would not sue them should I have a heart attack after trying this, that was comforting haha. 1. The Big Boss Challenge Burger: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/11-1.jpg 2. What I had left: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/9-1.jpg 3. The waiver I had to sign: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/waiver-1.jpg
  18. I have been saying since the first time Braxton played that he looks like a cry baby on the sidelines!! The kid never has a headset on, never near the other qb's, rarely with a coach, just seems to be doing his own thing after a series. Idk if they'll have a losing record or not, but they very well could finish 6-6, but they finished that in early 90s, late 2000s right before Tressell arrived. I could see OSU losing the next 3 games after today, all of which are ranked opponents in Nebraska, Illinois and Wisconsin. Maybe the 2nd half will be a little better, thank god the defense is keeping OSU in this game
  19. Miller is not nearly as good as he was hyped up to be. WTF was he doing on the run near the sideilne where he stopped and let MSU just hit him. If I was the coaches I'd be in his ear saying, listen kid you're no Terrelle Pryor, nor are you built like him, get your ass out of bounds lmfao. IDK if this is the worst OSU defense in the last 20 years...maybe one of the worst offenses, but the D is still solid. Plus do you remember some of Coopers early days, 91-93? They weren't very good then
  20. ^^ I'm with these guys!!
  21. You can upgrade them, but I believe the person that originally bought them has to do it. I got these because the guy I got my Wisconsin game tickets off wouldn't sell them seperately so I had to buy the PSU game too. I might be able to get access to a couple student id's. I have one but I need it for school and live 45mins away from main campus.
  22. I have 2 student tickets for the OSU game vs Penn State on November 19th. The seats are located in 7A, row 17 seats 7 & 8. I have 1 student ID that I can loan out that day with a returnable deposit. You'll need to find another id to use. They don't care if your face matches the one on the id, they just want to make sure theres a student id with each student ticket. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/tickets.jpg $200 obo
  23. I have 2 tix for the Penn State game, $200 obo. I am posting a forsale thread in here so check it out for details
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