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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I was cleaning my basement out the other day with a buddy and he found something of intrest. There was an old wooden box/drawer hidden in the corner. I took it up stairs to clean it up, upon cleaning I found this on the side "Anona Cheese Company Chicago" I will snap a pic here in a few mins and post it up as well. I tried looking them up online but haven't had much luck finding anything. I am just trying to figure out how old this thing is. It appears to be the box that a cheese loaf would've been delivered in and its pretty cool. Be back in a few mins with pics
  2. AMA museum is on our list, its in Pickerington and is only $10. The AF museum is coming up in November and its Free!! We are going to Hocking Hills sunday, then Kings Island, Pigeon Roost Farm (pumpkin patch), Mansfield Reformatory, Thurmans Cafe all in October. I'll post up details and pics as they happen
  3. Yeah as good as OSU was playing by the end of the year, USC and Texas were playing just as good if not better. The 05 USC and Texas teams were loaded with NFL talent as well. I am dumb and passed on a chance to buy 2 tickets to the wisky game for 150 bucks (for set). Now looking at em they are going for around 400 a set
  4. The mid 2000's definitley had the best talent of the Tress era. Just look at all the players drafted for gods sake
  5. Haha my roomate at the time (1 of my best friends) was a student at the time. He just happened to have a wedding in Florida that he had to attend that day and said "hey you want my Penn St ticket" like he even had to ask!! I agree it was by far the coolest atmosphere I have ever seen. The redout that night was awesome, I have more pics, some include Lebron walking in front of me. That game is 1 of the biggest reasons I want to take my wife to the Wisky game, she's never been to a night game, there is absolutely nothing like them. Just imagine if the B10 would allow OSU vs Michigan to be a night game. They have some dumbass rule about night games not being allowed after a certain date in outdoor stadiums. Bicranium I have to agree, I totally forgot that Smith was suspended in 04. I remember the Shot Ginn lighting OK St's asses up. The 05 defense was pretty damn good, although 06 wasn't a slouch either. I don't think OSU would've beat either 05 USC or 05 Texas (we lost to Texas), but they were pretty decent.
  6. What 5 toppings do they put on it? I really don't like anything outside of Ketcup and Mustard on hotdogs, wonder if i could just double up on those lol.
  7. Well had OSU been up by more points and not allowed Toledo's offense to look like world beaters Braxton would've played, plus I have heard conflicting stories about him being slightly injured that week and him being in trouble... They eased Pryor into the starting position, it took a loss at USC for him to play. Had OSU won that game I don't think Pryor starts that entire season. The Smith/Zwick situation was a little different honestly. Neither of them really seperated one from the other til the Texas game that OSU lost. After that it was clear Smith was the better of the 2. You could say the same thing about Krenzel/McMullen in 02, many felt McMullen was the better of the 2 yet Krenzel got the nod and it was a good choice. Its always easy to 2nd guess a coach or team from a far, but I feel they know more then either you and I or any other fan out there since they are with the team behind closed doors. I was at the PSU game as well lol, 10 rows up in the student section for free!!! By far the coolest game I have ever been to. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/OSU%20vs%20Penn%20St/23.jpg
  8. The only 2 teams that I can see potentially smoking OSU are Wisky and Nebraska. Even then its really just Wisky that bothers me vs our defense. I think OSU's defense was better last year, yet Wisky pounded their asses and add in the fact of Russell being a mobile qb for wisky and it could get ugly. I guess well find out a lot in the next few weeks
  9. I wonder how hard the Pizza challenges are. I saw another place with a 28" challenge, that doesn't seem like a lot of pizza for 2 people. Do they pack it full of toppings or whats the catch? I slam large pizzas by myself, but feel there is more to it then just 28in worth of pizza lol
  10. I say give him 1 more season, next years schedule is a little easier in my opinion Miami Ohio Cincinatti California UAB @Michigan St Nebraska @Indiana Purdue @Penn St Illinois Bye Week @Wisconsin Michigan Wisconsin will be starting a new qb next year, Nebraska will be at home and MSU will be starting a new qb as well. Those 3 games look much more winable to me next year. Plus Braxton will have nearly 2 years in the program by time the season rolls around (enrolled early) and OSU returns a ton of starters next year (lose 2 current starters on offense both linement) They only lose 2 starters on defense (Moeller and Sweat). Now there is always transfers and early leavers but I really don't see any of these current guys leaving early for the NFL.
  11. Do you honestly believe that Tressell would've started Braxton over Joe the first 3 games of the year? Cmon now, that wouldn't have happened. They appear to have done the right thing by easing him into the starting job, and even then he's not the greatest thing since sliced bread at this point. I agree with LJ, I said before the season started that a 4-5 loss season was easily possible given the lack of expierence, talent and suspensions. I just think we've grown so accustomed to a NFL calibar player leaving and another one stepping right in to fill the void that we are now spoiled haha. What happens when Braxton loses a game for OSU by making freshman mistakes? Does the chorus then call for his head and the "put Guiton/Graham" guys start coming out of the woodwork? Remember Pryors freshman year when he fumbled against PSU? The media and fans ate him alive, hell the dispatch was calling for Tressells job for putting a true freshman qb in. I don't think you're always going to make everyone happy, but Fickell is doing the best he can with what he has in my opinion. What happens if OSU lets him go and brings in say Urban. Urban goes say 9-3, Fickell goes to another school and does the same, is that really an improvement? The old saying of you don't know what you got til its gone could very well ring true in this case. If Fickell isn't the man for the job then atleast make it to where he is retained, he is great for the program as both a coach and a recruiter
  12. Rich Rod isn't a horrible coach, he just was the wrong guy for the Michigan job. UCLA fans better not expect much defense should RR be hired lol
  13. Well went to Amish Country and honestly I feel a little let down. The food was amazing and the scenery along the drive to and from was nice as well. Outside of that I wasn't overly impressed. We ate at Der Dutchmen in Berlin which was really good. After that we went to the Flea Market which was way over priced on everything!!! Once we left there we decided to go check out the Cheese Factory and was let down. The area where you purchase food at was tiny and over crowded. My friend who is the cheese fanatic was in heaven though haha. On the way home we stopped at a farm/petting zoo and let my son (16months old) play with some animals and he had a good time doing that so it made my day. They had the biggest horse in Holmes County named Big Ben. Let me tell you his name definitley fit his ass, good lord he was massive. The strangest thing I saw the entire time was goats on a roof lol. They had a rampway that led the goats from the ground up to the roof, then from the ground to the roof was a rope that acted as a conveyor (spell check) belt, you filled ice cream cones up with feed and sent it up to the roof for the goats to eat. I would give the whole trip a 6 out of 10, the saving grace was the food and smile on my kids face while feeding the goats. I would go back again if I had nothing else better to do, simply for the before mentioned food haha. There are a lot of little towns up there, most of which we didn't get a chance to go to. From what I have heard they are nicer, as many people feel Berlin is too comercialized these days. Anyways here are some pics: 1.Cheese Factory in Berlin: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/amishcountry.jpg 2. Really random goats on top of a barns roof at a petting zoo/farm: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/goats.jpg 3. Did you notice the sign in the picture above? Well here is the really big horse!!: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/My%20Photos/bigben.jpg I think we have more pictures, not sure will have to ask the other 4 people that went with me. This upcoming weekend we are going to Mansfield with some family to let our son and cousins ride the Carosuel that they have right in downton. It is .75 cents per ride, and even less if you buy multiple rides. After that we are going to Johnny Biggs to eat (see my any food challenges/montrosities thread). Sunday its off to Hocking Hills with my mom and step dad to explore. This will be the first time I have ever been to Old Mans Cave/Ash Cave ect. Will report back next Monday!
  14. Going to Johnny Biggs in Mansfield this saturday to attempt the Bigg Boss Challenge. I will be happy if I can just finish the damn thing, let alone do it in 20mins, but we shall see. Got a couple buddies going with us to attempt it as well.
  15. Ticketmaster has limited seats, the Wisconsin game shows sold out on Ticketmaster. Try Craigslist or stubhub, thats where I buy all my tickets from and have yet to have an issue. Could always try a scalper outside the stadium, I believe its illegal for them to attempt to sell over face value, so when they try raping you for $300 a ticket, just alert a cop lol
  16. +1 I could see punk kids messing with a random persons car once, maybe twice, but to 3 different cars?
  17. I would much rather have John Gruden then Urban Meyer. Gruden is a "don't take no shit" type guy and will demand the best from his players on and off the field. Where Urban has a track record of letting Florida kids get away with murder, look at all the players arrested while Urban was coaching at Florida. If you think free tattoos was headline news in Columbus, wait til he lets the same shit happen that he did in Florida. I still think its Fickells job if he can pull off a half decent season. The higher up's at tOSU have got to know the situation he was tossed into and the lack of actual talent/expierence this team has. I think it's the fans who are down on Fickell, only due to their own unrealistic expectations. It will be interesting to see how fans tones change should the Bucks win out or only lose 1 more game. Reach a BCS game and then who's gonna be calling for a head coaching change? I think the only change that needs to be as far as offense goes is a new OL, QB coach and offensive coordinator. Its been the same bland offense the last 10 years and its just now starting to catch up with tOSU because the level of talent here isn't enough to overcome the horrific play calling.
  18. +1 We're taking our son and his cousins there in a couple weeks actually
  19. Go to the pound and adopt one...most times mix breeds make the best dogs. My grandma had one named Snuggles (cmon my grandma's old lol) and it was some sort of mix, but was the best damn dog I have seen. That dog would not leave her side for nothing (well until death got the best of the dog, grandma's still alive and kicking). I will ask her what mix the dog was.
  20. Theres really nothing to argue about honestly. I stated that Demps went 9.9x, while the fastest player in recent years for tOSU as far as 100m is concerned ran a 10.38. I dont care if Saine ran it in highschool, jr high or fresh out of the womb, the fact is no one on tOSU team is even close to being as fast as Demps. I am not a Florida fan by any means, but they have the fastest offense I have seen all year at the skill positions and LSU is the fastest on defense. I would have to agree that Wisky is better this year then they were last year. They have never had a qb like the one they do this year. They are not just a 1 dimensional team like in years pass where you knew they had a 240lb back that was going to follow the mammoth linemen they always seem to have. They now have a 2 dimensional qb that can beat you with his legs and feet. While I really hope tOSU beats Wisky, I just don't see it happening.
  21. I do have Florida knocking off Bama purely based on the speed that Florida has on offense and I have not been overly impressed with Bama. The most impressive team to me as we both agree on is LSU leaps and bounds over anyone else. How is it comparing apples to oranges? I was showing how fast Floridas backs are by posting Demps 100m time. That has nothing to do with the OSU's 100m record, but has everything to do with Demps being a fast fucker in a football uniform. Saine was the fastest 100m runner on OSU's roster the last 4-5 years. BTW NCAA record for 100m dash: 100 9.92 Ato Boldon' (UCLA) Eugene, Oregon 6/01/96 So what are you attempting to argue?
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