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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Click pic below for lulz (I warned you the family/friends were excited). Right lane is Forrest Gump (I knew I ran good because I was in front of him at the end, that Mercedes moves the fuck out haha) http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb209/tacara1129/th_video-2011-08-28-16-15-13.jpg
  2. I'd post the only vid I have of my 11 second pass, but my family and friends are a little overly excited haha. Plus you can't really see the times at the end of the track..Hoping to find someone out there with a better video of it
  3. Only pic that has been posted by friends thus far (yes its mine hahahahahahaha) http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/integraattrack.jpg
  4. Hell yeah man, mines most likely gonna be torn apart sometime this week. Gonna send motor out to machine shop just to make sure everythings aok with it. Gonna upgrade some things such as clutch (mine hates life currently) and fuel injectors (hello e85). Most likely gonna repaint the car while I am at it.
  5. Yeah its really fucking lame, I usually don't get within 2ft of someones car because I don't wanna be that guy. Patterson sorry I couldn't help man, I really didn't think we was both gonna need towed home lol.
  6. Its all good, only issue i had all day was some asshole randomly turning my boost down. Guess thats a lesson learned, never leave hood popped and unattended. Wondered why my car went from 11.82 to 13.7 @107 just by sitting, get it back to where we was all chilling, take it for a pull down that back straight away and see its only hitting 10lbs, turn boost up, theres 12, give her another turn and look back to 16.....oh well nothing was ruining my day today. Ran 11s, didnt blow a motor/trans, hung out with good people and had fun!
  7. If clutch would've held I think it had 11.5 maybe better in it, but it is what it is and I am happy with how it ran. The trap speed is what made my day really. I know what Hondas run at 123-124mph on good tracks lol. Honda kids do some dumb shit, give all of us a bad name lol
  8. Nice meeting you Wagner along with the others I met for first time
  9. Me and Patterson both broke lmfao!! My clutch went out after an 11.82 @123.9mph pass. Overall had a fun day, car is done for the year unless I somehow manage to land a clutch, if not oh well it'll just come out next year going faster Congrats to Crawdad for winning and Pound for being runner up
  10. Up and at it, bout to roll 30+ deep out there. Can't wait to see everyone and race.
  11. I have no clue what my car is going to run tomorrow lol. Boost is damn near triple that of what it has been
  12. I think we're mounting a go-pro to the side of my car. I can give you those vids, plus my wife and buddies will be taking vids of the day...
  13. Erik any idea where you want to park at? We're gonna need a big area as I am rolling in with 30+ cars from here in town
  14. Thanks for your concerns hahahahahaha I am going out there in hopes of not breaking anything, but shit happens and I would rather have the ability to take it home for free, rather then drop $200 for a tow bill. My car is far from some jank ass Honda. I know most are accustomed to a rats nest for wiring, more oil on the ground underneath it then inside the engine, but that is not my car. Like Steve said I am bringing extra axles just in case, I have terrible luck and would be the one breaking axles on 140hp, let alone the power level I am currently at (no official number but should be more then 140 haha). Plus if I don't break I will atleast have room on the trailer for when Erik does
  15. Umm why would I not trailer it? I have stock axles and slicks, most likely going to end up breaking one. Not to mention who knows what could go wrong, i'd rather trailer it then break and have a $200 tow bill...
  16. Erik disregard my pm lmfao, its 1:13 and I am tired. BTW boost has been turned up, cars running like raped ape, can't wait to see everyone Sunday. About to go in the garage and change the oil and tighten up suspension bolts. Wanting to get as much done tonight/tomorrow so I can toss it on the trailer saturday and not have to worrya bout anything breaking before sunday haha.
  17. Haha I don't think 288 is an option. More like P-2L=2W Solve for W Dumb shit like that lol
  18. I came across some parts that I have no need for, so figure might as well make some money and get them out of my hair at the same time. 96-00 Civic EX (coupe) taillights (mint)- $20 for inner and outter both sides http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/20110825121637.jpg Ractive (fart can) muffler, it is brand new in the box, I am talking in the bubble wrap and all haha- $30 http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/20110824192505.jpg
  19. Haha this guy, can't wait to race your Metro Sunday. BTW I will hit you up here in a bit about those stickers, my ass just woke up and I have a math final later today so gotta study for that
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