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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. It rained a couple years ago, but there was still a lot of ppl and cars out. I am really kinda suprised about one thing though, there isn't a whole lot of Mopars in town yet. Usually they start filing the hotel lots around Tuesday, here it is Thursday and have only seen a handful of Mopars, mostly new Challengers
  2. What do you think about Texas A&M leaving the B12 for the SEC? There is also rumors giong around that Texas and ND are in talks about building a new super conference, at this point its just speculation but that would be crazy. ESPN really is ruining college football, as they are behind the Long Horn Network which is making teams in the B12 dislike Texas even more Also rumors of ND and Texas still debating on joining the b10 as well as Oklahoma. WTF? The big 12 disbands and comes to the big 10? How about instead of Legends and Leaders we call it B12 vs B10
  3. Construction not to be an issue according to Heath PD http://www.newarkadvocate.com/article/20110809/NEWS01/108090301/Mopar-Super-Cruise-back-weekend?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage
  4. Eh some of the beats were pretty decent. Kanye is a better beat maker then he is a rapper or person for that matter
  5. Whew whoo pretty sure the boost issue is solved!! Posted this on hondata's forum and a mod on there gave me this reply: "You have it set to gear based duty cycle and not gear based target boost.' So we changed that and guess what, 12psi 5 times in a row lol
  6. They had that last year and it was a bust. Everyone just turned around before getting to downtown lol. Hopefully the rain holds off saturday as there is a chance of it right now.
  7. Haha valid points Phil, minus the brice road ones. I really was bored, oh well I am prob just gonna walk my happy ass up to Mopar this year, fuck driving lol. I have heard rumors that supposedly Heath PD is only going to be patroling 1 half of 79, while local sherrifs work the other half, idk always hear rumors around here haha.
  8. Meh I'd give it a 4/10 rating and thats mainly because of some decent beats. Nothing else about this album impressed me. Listening to jay-z rap about hustling and struggling is no longer cool, kinda hard to believe him when he's a millionaire, owns a nba team and is banging Beyonce
  9. Heath is 5-10mins from trails. You can either take 70E to the Heath exit and head north on 79, through Hebron into Heath. Or you can take 40 to 79N and head into Heath. Its seriously 1 exit past the exit for trails if you take 37 to trails. Look up some of the videos on youtube of the Mopar 79 cruise. People here seriously start talking about the mopar crusie for next year the minute this one ends lol. Its Newark/Heath what else do we have to do besides some burnouts and gather along a road. Now I will say this, parking is going to be limited as they have added some stores in the middle of parking lots (verizon by best buy) and have 1 side of the road tore up (the area outside the pavement). Best to get there early and find a spot, go grab some food and then come back to watch some burnouts. The last couple years the cops have been kinda dickheads to ppl doing burnouts, however usually after 10pm they kinda just let it go. You will get ticketed if you are caught tossing water/bleach onto the road way, just a heads up. Also make sure your not standing on the road as the cops will turn dick real quick over that
  10. Fuck Brice, its nothing like 79 lol. I went to Brice 2 years in a row and was bored to death. There isn't as many cars and not as many burnouts. Get your ass down here to Heath son!
  11. I'm litterally 30seconds away from 79. Right now the construction isn't bad, they are tearing up the side of the roads to put new water lines and shit in. Word was they were going to Mill the road this week, but I think they are behind schedule. I will let you guys know thursday how the roads look. I will be in Southgate (shopping center on 79) with a bunch of people both nights. Not gonna cruise out there in my car, heath likes to ticket my ass lol
  12. They fucked up in the casting department in my opinion. I think Nolan was a little too loyal to the cast of Inception because most of the batman cast was in Inception lol. Bane is too small, have you heard his voice? Its fucking horrible and catwoman looks like some chick in spandex wearing night vision goggles, if you weren't a fan of the movie you would have no idea she was catwoman. Of course this could all change before the movie comes out but right now my hopes for this movie are very low, I think it'll be the typical 3rd movie of a franchise that fails to live up to the hype of the previous 2. BTW Inception cast that is in this movie: Tom Hardy: Bane Joseph Gordan Levitt: John Blake Michael Caine: Alfred Cillian Murphey (Scarecrow) I have heard rumors of a cameo Marion Cottilard: Talia Al Ghul Catwoman pic: http://www.thedarkknightrises.com/images/selina_kyle.jpg Banes terrible voice: ^^He sounds like he is fucking retarded and old
  13. I'll recheck em. We had an issue before with the wideband not wanting to read right, added a ground and it fixed that. Maybe one of the grounds has come loose, who the hell knows...
  14. I just saw one from Indiana in a picture that said RU DTF
  15. Its ohio spots, get used to being broken hearted by seasons end lol. Could be worse you could be a Cubs fan like me, we live for next year every year. Atleast the Indians are doing good which brings me some joy, lets just see if they can make the playoffs. If not its football season where I again will be left broken hearted as a Browns fan lol
  16. Well the car built 12psi twice today...litterally drove it to my bro in laws house to pick him up so he could data log for me while I did some pulls. On the way there I thought, hmm lets see if it hits 12, sure as shit it did twice in a row. So I think "yes were past that mess", wrong! Get to his house, don't even get out of the car or turn it off. We leave get on the highway he starts logging, I do a pull.....8.2psi. Great back to this shit again, do another pull, 6.4psi. Send the logs to my tuner and he starts looking and notices that my volts are at 13.0 at WOT, go back through old logs on lower Boost and see that the car is 14.0v at Wot. Not sure what the hell the deal is, I do notice that my battery light comes on at 8500rpm right before I shift. I am going to take the alternator off tomorrow and take it to part store to be tested just to make sure it didn't go bad. Shitty thing is its a brand new alternator. Not sure if there is a difference in voltage output between LS and GSR (due to GSR revving higher from factory) or not, but the car has a LS alternator on it due to me using a buddies warranty lol. If the alt checks out good then only other thing could be too small of gauged wire running from battery in trunk to the front of the car. Still at a loss with this damn thing. I just want more Boost damnit!!
  17. Sucks, my best friend of 18 years just left to go back to that shithole. He was home for 2 weeks on R&R and wouldn't even talk about having to go back cause it depressed him so much. Luckily he only has to go back for a few months then he gets sent to his home station (Germany)
  18. Haha thats what I figured you meant, just giving ya a hard time
  19. Boost issue appears to be fixed!! I think the wastegates firing ring wasn't sealing properly or the clamp wasn't on tight enough causing a leak. Either way she just saw 5-6psi on 2step and 10psi at wide open throttle! I tore the gate back off and all the way apart. Reinstalled the spring, put gate back on the car. Started up let it idle for up to temperature, hit 2step saw 5-6lbs. Then took car for drive and hit 10 the very first pull
  20. Yeah I go back and forth with a lot of people over Boise. I first saw em play around 1999 and just kinda started following them, they are probablly my favorite team behind tOSU of course. I just like how they play and how they get hated on for winning damn near all their games lol. Idk if they put all their off season focus on 1 game, but even so it works cause they beat that team then roll through their conference. Its no different then what USC was doing a few years ago when they clearly had the most talent in the conference. USC would play nobody, go to the national championship game and get all sorts of love. A dark grey would be pretty cool, as long as they don't fuck with the helmets too much. Ohio State just isn't Ohio State without leaves on the helmets
  21. **NSFW** http://www.susanaspears.net/index.html Same chick?
  22. I read somewhere that the shit is scripted anyways
  23. Boise kinda deserves it. They beat everyone put in front of them, they have less talent then the big boys that they beat. I posted this on scout, Boise has had 0 5star players commit to them in the last 10 years, they have had less 4 star players in the last 3-4 years then Georgia had in 1 recruiting class lol. They play with the same talent level as their opposition if not less, yet they win. People bitch about it, but it could be said about OSU having more talent then the rest of the Big10, if you don't think OSU has the most talent then you are blind or insane lol. Boise moved up conferences in hopes of playing against TCU and raising their "rep", only to have TCU bolt to another conference. I think Boise will end up moving to another conference wether it be the big12 or pac12 is yet to be seen. BTW have you seen the "combat" uniforms that OSU is supposedly going to be wearing vs Wisky? I actually like the drawings I have seen more then the other "throwbacks" they have been wearing last couple years. Atleast this year well see OSU and Michigan playing each other in their normal uniforms! 1 more note, Michigans throwbacks look like Rugby uniforms
  24. Well blowoff valve didn't seem to solve anything, car still makes 0lbs of boost in 2step. Waiting on son to wake up so I can take car out for a drive real quick and see if it makes more then 6-8psi
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