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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Brandon are you saying the Hulk isn't in this film or just not in the trailer? I heard he was in the movie but a new actor was going to potray him, yes the 3rd actor in 3 movies...
  2. Well they have an actor set to potray a young Ra's and Liam Neeson has been spotted around set so word is he is back as Ras Al Ghul....gotta love speculation for a movie a year away from being released lol
  3. I know Nolan says he will not do a Robin so I doubt they set up him having a child with her. I am interested in seeing which catwoman they potray
  4. BTW, new Spider Man trailer comes out Friday
  5. Rumors on both accounts, I honestly doubt the Joker would've returned. I think they would've made mention of him but they were going with new villians from the get go. Not sure if Bane was the original plan or if anyone outside of Christopher Nolan thought about using him. The dude playing Bane is no joke, look up the trailer for Warrior, he is in that movie. The only thing I do not like about this so far, is that its the entire Inception cast minus DeCaprio, look up the cast from that movie and look up the cast for this one, there is like 7 or 8 of them in it. Depp was rumored for The Riddler, much like Joseph Gordon Levitt who is in this movie. He has also been rumored to play Black Mask, but for now is listed as a cop. Give me Robin Williams as Hugo Strange! There are rumors of another villian be it Thalia Al Guhl (Ra's daughter), plus theres a character named Nixon who is not in the comics so ppl think its a cover name for another better known villian. Purely speculation. Catwoman is in this film as well as Ras Al Ghul, to what extent is still unknown. I hope Bane breaks batman, but he will ultimately rise, hence the name of the film. I have a feeling that someone dies though be it Gordon, Alfred and even rumors of Batman possibly being killed off since this is the last movie in Nolans series. A reboot will be done in a few years anyways so this will all be a mute point then. I just hope this movie isn't a letdown, its gonna be pretty hard to top The Dark Knight. Plus there is a ton of hype for this movie and its a year away from even coming out. I know where I will be when it does come out though, hello Imax! Sorry inner comic movie nerdyness came out lol.
  6. I ran 6psi in my slicks last time out. Had much better 60 with that then I did with 10 and 8psi. Trial and error will help u find the sweet spot for ur car
  7. Just noticed your running against my dad in this video lol
  8. Trust me I am not worried about your car in the slightest manner.
  9. Setup reminds me of this one for some reason http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee275/sowens81/scan0001-1.jpg http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee275/sowens81/civic002.jpg http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee275/sowens81/civic015.jpg
  10. When did you run 12.3 Roy? I've been at the track last 2 weeks and haven't seen you
  11. I thought my 1.9 60ft was sad on slicks as well, apparently its not too shabby. I too was out for the first time on the slicks. Try lowering the tire pressure in the slicks. I hit a 2.2 60ft with 10psi in mine, raised the 2step and lowered tire pressure to 6 and cut a 1.9
  12. 5500 and then 7k rpms lol, I had a better 60ft at 7k then I did 5500
  13. You'd think but sadly there isn't.
  14. I had my lap top with me.... best 60 was 1.9
  15. Is your place of employment hiring? This car is insane
  16. Yeah I know the car has 12s on 6psi in it, just wasn't the night for it. Oh well nothing broke or blew up so thats a success in its own right
  17. Truth!! My dad made the final 4 in his class last night only to get beat out by a car that runs 18.2 all day long. I am not a fan of bracket racing, but I am a fan of heads up dig racing. I'm not saying roll racing isn't fun, just saying that it'd be nice to see more people out at the track. BTW I lied there was 3 of us from CR, Forrest Gump, Pontiac Freak and myself. Some of the manual cars out there are deadly consistant even when running low 10s high 9s
  18. All this racing talk, yet I only saw 1 guy from CR at the track last night.....
  19. Nice meeting you! Got my car down to 13.1, 60ft times suck even with slicks lol. 1.9 was best I could manage last night. Oh well first time ever on slicks, i'll get it knocked down even lower or I'll just turn the boost up, 6psi is getting pretty boring
  20. Debating if I wanna go tonight or Friday. How many runs do you usually get in on Fridays? Last wednesday I got 6 passes in
  21. Yup Derek is from here in Newark. Used to get yell at inside of the Y for tossing baseballs in the gym with him lol
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