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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I am trying to say that any part can fail if installed improperly lol and I have had good luck with OEM, Cometic and Fel-Pro
  2. Thats not too bad considering you get to see a ton of games.
  3. Haha well my teacher fucking fails, litterally I hate that damn class and lady. Glad you cleared it up though Frank!
  4. Am I the only one that thought of "cool boarders"from the PS1 days lol
  5. Ok so he'll be sentenced to 15 years, then he'll get out early on parole. Sadly its just how shit works. In my cultural diversity class on tuesday we was talking about the LA riots. In that discussion we talked about the Korean shop owner who shot and killed a black girl who he "thought was stealing". Do you know what his punishment was? 5 years probation and 1k dollar fine...fucked up system.
  6. He'll get what, 5 years? Our justice system is so fucked up. Guy here locally just got 9 years for selling cocaine, yet you kill someone and you get damn near nothing these days.
  7. Ok my bad!! Most people refer to parts bought at Autozone or Advance as Autozone or Advance brand parts. Let me make the change so you can go on with your life, "fel-pro" brand
  8. I have read a lot of bad things about Cometic, but honestly I think it comes down to the installer. Any gasket can fail if installed by a total dipshit lol. So far I haven't had an issue with mine (knock on wood). I have seen people run autozone headgaskets with no issues. Hell I have ran a few with no issues, my dad's crx currently has an autozone hg on it and doesnt have any hg issues.
  9. ^^ What he said, rankings are nothing more than a way to hype up games. It makes for better ratings when you put #1 xx vs #3 xx than if you were to put xx vs xx
  10. Kinda like college football how there is a coaches poll and an AP poll. Besides it only matters where you finish in march lol.
  11. OSU basketball team is pretty damn legit. I read a report today that Sullinger says yet again he plans on coming back next year. i know everyone says "wait til the money is flashed in his face", only problem is he's a tweener at the next level. He's 6'8-6'9 (short for a power forward, unless your Carlos Boozer) and doesn't have a real shot outside of 6 feet. I tihnk another year in school will do him wonders. What did the tix run you if you dont mind me asking, just curious what they go for.
  12. I have a cometic, but if I could do it again I would've went OEM. I would've had to went through Golden Eagle since Honda doesnt offer a vtec hg in 84mm lol.
  13. I edited my post trying to be "friendlier" since you apparently took my original post out of context, but whatever
  14. This thread is awesome, went from "who has the sexiest/ugliest car on cr" to "hey mjrsplat your a fucking douchebag" in no time lol.
  15. I thought this kid was related to the Jacksons when I first heard/saw him
  16. That yelawulf song with gucci mane is terrible as well. Again I have tried listening to the dude to see what everyone else is seeing in him and I just cant find it.
  17. Society is fucked /thread I haven't been to Easton in over a year and have no real desire to go back. Combine all the stuck up people with their noses in the air and the 15 year old gangster wanna be's that place is a shithole. I'd rather shop online, than travel up there to fight through the crowd of retards. Remember when Columbus had City Center, wasn't it eventually shut down because it got overtaken by the trash of Columbus? Its not just Columbus though, its everywhere. Last weekend I get a call from my gf who is at the mall with our 8month old. Dude started to pull out in front of her so she honked to avoid being hit, dude then follows her swirving, honking, flicking his lights at her. Newark used to be a decent town, or maybe I was just young and naive enough to think that way. Everyday I read the paper and its nothing but drugs, dudes beating up babies, people being raped...no where is safe anymore. I don't have a CCW or a gun in general because I am the dumb fuck that would put it to use. I swear if killing someone wasn't a crime i'd be a mass murderer.
  18. Don't like the price, buy elsewhere. I get tired of ppl bitching about a price they are given, usually they come back with "well my buddy has it for xxx ammount", I just tell em to go buy it from their fucking buddy then lol. Like others have said in this thread, the price given over the phone from a junkyard usually isn't the price thats set in stone. Go in and say "Hey I am a little short on money will you take xx ammount?" odds are they will say yeah
  19. I might stop by Matt, I have a bday party to attend at 1. Not sure what the wife has planned for us after that lol
  20. I have been saying that Fedor has been over rated for the last 2+ years. He was fighting has beens and looking good while doing it. Like previously stated, last 2 opponents he had with skill both beat him. I honestly think MMA is losing its luster as a whole. I said this in another thread, there is no up and coming talent that can draw. Most of the big name fighters are getting older and most have said they don't want to fight into their 40's. UFC has no competition so they can give you whatever bullshit card they want to and you will either watch it because you have no other option, or youll just stop watching all together. How many times can you watch GSP and Anderson Silva beat up on people?
  21. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/chair.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/couch.jpg The couch is definitley green, my cell phone just takes shitty pics
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