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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. The superbowl has gotten worse as the years have gone by. I mean seriosly, The Black Eye Peas are performing at halftime...they are terrible. The commercials used to be worth watching the superbowl alone, not anymore. BTW ill have to record it after the game to re-watch the national anthem. I had the tv on mute due to being on a phone call. Back to the OT, she has gotten uglier and uglier the older she has gotten. I remember being a teenager during her "dirty" days and thinking, good god I'd do things to her asshole that are outlawed in most states. Vid for those that missed it http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Video-Christina-Aguilera-goofs-up-the-National-?urn=nfl-317568
  2. I'll be watching for the commercials...
  3. Double fail, first because this song and the original suck dick, secondly because its Lil Wayne.
  4. Why do I feel this is aimed towards another member of this forum (no pun) lol.
  5. I sell blocks/cranks to ERL, they are some cool guys to deal with. I usually deal with Seth over there. Congrats on the sponsorships
  6. I thought the beat boxing was better then the singing actually lol, he was pretty dead on with the beat. Voice is pretty close as well
  7. Watch ancient aliens on History channel, they always show some crazy shit
  8. This car is sexy, but damn it sucks when they make you start putting jungle gyms in a car. To me that kinda takes the appeal out of running 8. I'm a big guy (6'6 260) theres no way in hell I would be able to get in that car lol. I have an ET in mind for my car that will require a cage and I am still fighting that idea. Like I said car is sexy, seen it at trails last year
  9. I'm just gonna cover cost to get the head fixed, buddy got quoted 70 bucks.
  10. I already warned them that I would be seeking legal advice, here reply "see ya in court, youll have more money in court fee's then you paid for the part". The mom sounds like a fucking winner, must be why her son lives with his dad huh.
  11. From everything I know about them is there really isn't a way to tell without opening up the motor. Then again there might be a head casting number difference that would help identify it like some of the b20 engines. Not 100% sure though, I do know that some of the differences between the reg h22 and the type s is, the S has higher compression and a little bigger cams.
  12. Haha!!! If he woul'dve cooperated a little bit i would've just asked for a partial refund to help cover cost to have head fixed. Instead he told me about how he spent the money already on paint for his heap, and how he didn't have a job blah blah blah...its ok though, like others have said karma is a bitch.
  13. I don't want to do anything incriminating though so I am just gonna bite my tongue.
  14. I tried talking to mom, she seemed to think it was ok for her son to fuck people over. She tried saying that i was threatening her son by agreeing that I would see him around. I love parents that aren't really parents. I posted this same post over on Ohiohondas and got a pm from another member saying he bought an ecu from this kid and its junk as well. The add for the head I bought magically got taken down this evening too.
  15. Nah i'm not gonna hire a kid to beat him up lol, not gonna destroy his car. i've been to jail once, I don't wanna revisit it anytime soon.
  16. I'm gonna pay my buddy to have the head fixed (if its fixable). He is then going to sell it and give me the money back that i am paying to have it fixed, which is super fucking awesome of him. I just feel bad because I like having a good reputation for selling legit parts and shit. Newark is a small town where everyone always runs into everyone, so I'm sure well cross paths in the future
  17. Oh yeah I already know that, I have a kid, aint worth being in jail over 300 fucking dollars and some punk kids mouth.
  18. Yeah kids mom is texting me saying I better not threaten her son and all this shit. Kid sends me a text saying "im not scared of you", I say "haha im glad your not scared of me" and shes instantly saying thats a threat? WTF is wrong with people, parents should learn to be parents. My mom and dad wouldve beat my ass had I sold someone a jank part and not be willing to work something out. Fuck my buddy was willing to just take enough money back to go get the head fixed at machine shop. Looks like I'll be covering that bill now. Gah I hate people
  19. He's claiming he didn't know it was bad. If or if not thats true I don't know. I do know that i once sold a buddy a crank that appeared to be good. Upon taking it to machine shop it came back that the journals were beyond fixing without turning the crank. He didnt want to have it turned so I gave him his money back, I feel thats the right thing to do.
  20. This fucking kid has a mouth on him thats for sure. "you think you scare me, i'm 17, what can you fucking do about it" I feel like texting him back "won't be 17 forever" but Im not gonna do anything to incriminate myself. God I see why i have gotten out of wheeling and dealing parts
  21. Yeah this sucks big fat dick!! Kid is only 17 and talking mad shit becaues he is 17, i'd give anything to be 17 for about 20mins right now
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